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This Moment

I wish I weren’t a poet
With words mumbling in my head
I want some peace and quiet
Need my mind to think it’s dead

When I can find distractions
They never last for long
The words keep coming back
Asking, “What the hell is wrong?

We’re here inside your head
Why not put us to good use?
Isn’t that what poets do?
Do you have a good excuse?”

But for now I need a break
And am doubting it’s a crime
To wish I weren’t a poet
Right at this moment in time!

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
Guess it's kind of ironic to have written a poem about wanting a break from being a poet! Having said that, I'm thinking I might not be the only one who's felt this way somewhere down the line!
Editing stage: 


Sometimes I feel like that too!! Good one.


Thanks so much for the validation of how I'm feeling. I knew I couldn't be the only!

Best wishes,


author comment

poets suffer for their art. I'm so glad I'm just a rhymer.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

I to am a rhymer....but even so there are times when I just wish my mind would give me a break ....LOL!


author comment

Instead I will quit working on the poem and do something completely different. The next day I usually wake with a way forward for the poem in hand.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

A true poet will never quiet their mind,i is always there until something of urgency interrupts but we find our way back as it is a way of life and in our blood

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

in the late 1960's, early 1970's, I knew such a poet. He would agonize for hours, days, even weeks to find just the right word to fit his non rhyming, non rhythmic poem. To me, at the time it appeared to be prose that I could have completed just as well in minutes. There was little difference between start point and finish that he worked so hard at and was so proud of. His target audience seemed to be like-minded writers to himself.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

The one thing I find is if I have an idea that doesn't seem to want to come to fruition, I'll only give it a certain amount of time, and then I 'walk away from it,' cos if it wants to be written it will be and if be it. My one issue is after I've written something, I'll sometimes go back and while proofing it for typos, I'll start to over think it, and miss the typos. That's when I'll ask an someone more objective to read younger son is one of my best critics and also a friend of mine...even so I still sometimes will miss a misspelled word but at least I'm comfortable with the overall out come.
Thanks for all your input!


ps. the one thing I find very difficult to do now is to write prose. I used to be able to, but now that my focus has been poetry for so long, sitting down to write a story or even a letter is so hard. The grammar rules have 'gone out the window!"

author comment

I can tell by your comments you understand where I'm coming from and that's very reassuring! Thanks so much for validating my frame of mind at the time!


author comment

having the writer's block, which I suffer from these days. Hope to find my muse back soon.
I like what you've done here though I can't relate at this moment.
Thanks for sharing


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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forever the ongoing chores..
slept seven hours..ten fifteen
till four thirty...yesterday!
I relate to this well!!
discussed it with a brilliant tech
friend of mine..But she said If
I wished to be normal I would
find it boring! it was a projection
What makes me special to her
and many others is the fact
that I do write...snippets of paper
coffee napkins..Here...four other
sites....And I read just as much
here and there!!

I tended to live rather rushed
the muses drew in to the energy
danger and excitement
writing like doing the trick moves
was like off the cuff..
majority cant write about
because that..even I cannot
make up..

the wish for the stillness..I get
mine comes from the jarred
blown up unsteadiness in
the all too almost perfect
upbringing....a split world
of contentment and fear..
a nervous twitty persona
with an ego calmned..
twitchy and witty..

We are writers...we write
not just to our own selves
or other stylists
its what we do
my work hangs on fridge
doors....magnetic chappie

U fire from the hip and
you get bullseyes
what I see!
and I got good grey eyes!!!
all the better to see!!

thanks Val!
now back to the laundry!!

Mr Wolf!

If you great poets one and all

you will know
the river just falls

so is it with poetry after all
what is a poem
but a concoction
of words which come
some shun
poetry comes
like a fountain

i have composed
so much trash
as jess swears
as much in similar moments
some were classified

never mind
read on
when you have a mental Blog

do me scold

A bard in me comes
yes as a surf it does surface
some take heed
others speed
as Shakespeare said so rightly

an opportunity comes just once
taken at the high
you can further run
at low speed
be happy you have an anchor around thee

so read me
this is off the cuff poetry

at least one will like it
may not be thee
why not
may I ask ye...

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