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Oh Poet!

Oh Poet!

I thought of reading you today

You surely are unique
In your own way

No more poetry
Here shall I display

Should wrath alone
Come my way

I am but a learner poet
I’d wish to say
Metaphors rarely come,
My pathway
Tis a curse
Twas the one
That alone comes
To stay
My doorway

For the love of all ....some what slightly erotic


Can I butt in?
Just to say
You are
Surely marvellous
In the depth you display,
In the canyons beyond human reach
Unless you bless the one,
Who does beseech
Then the fountains of joy
Flow from heaven to earth
They glow anointed in the nectar
God hath willed,
But love as lust alone,
Humans have killed,
None the less you’re serving the master,
Spells of more love
Than lust,
But any way the thrust
Was the best
As twas willed...

Watermana Thesis

This is an edited form of the Thesis that was presented with Watermana the video. It is a representation of a shamanic journey and an introduction to the shamanic process. It can be found on Youtube at
(crappy compressed quality and shitty sound, unfortunately)

Watermana the poem

Einstein Must Be Trying,To Send a Sms to You

Einstein Must Be Trying,
To Send a Sms to You

You prove his
Theory of relativity
As true.

He said this

When a girl sits on your laps,
For two hours,
It’s like just a second.

When you touch a hot cauldron,
For just half a second,
It’s like two hours.

That’s all there is to time,
All is relative
That’s all to it,
But time can't stand still
Can it?

Why????? Lately I Have Found QS MARK EDIT ONLY NO CHANGE

Why?????Lately I Have Found

When some one says

I read it as

When someone says

I read as

And now
You say
I read it as

What should I do?

Do me erase?
But don't

"Erotic Class" Alternate erotic edit

I had posted my erotic post yesterday but before I posted it.I had help from our resident Warrior Princess, after much thought and consideration I went with my original version with some little tweeks to smooth it out, but Xena had took the time and written an alternate version of my post.I like this version very much, so I figured I would share it, to show how two poets can take the same piece and both come up with something great.I hope you all enjoy this, I sure did.And I would also like to give Rosi a big time thanks for her time and effort.Thank you Rosi:-)


If I Had My Way

If I had my way
To love a human being,
I’d chose none other,
As you may have seen

Now I switch into a fantasy!

The star lit above my eyes,
The clouds wet me below,
From heaven
In the light of eternity,
Upon your wings
I flow,
Knowing not which way
The sun ever rose
Before it did today,
I suppose,
I was within my contains
Taking a repose
But then I was neither
Here nor there
Ah! An un-plucked rose

Initiating Erotica Afresh

Initiating Erotica Afresh

You say you are a man
Yet your logo/avatar
Is perhaps
Like that of a woman's
Are you somewhat
Sorry I mean no offence,
But I just left on
Your erotica
Some salivary and salty comments
Hope you will cherish
Yeah do not lament,
This kind of writing
Is not my norm
But heaven sent

A poem by old member here,Theo""Kaligantsaros"

(love Sprite)

In different worlds and other times
Perhaps our souls in different bodies
we rolled on pastures , lay on ground
shining smiles and throwing dice .

In times gone by when our spirits grew
into lives we hardly knew
Our vessels ghosted on by and through
like the knuckle bone games we played.

As children of the new nascent earth
we wove our stories tasted birth
a cloth for you a flag for me
a dance around the living tree.


is a new concept of thanking all those who comment on ones work

Beautiful Fingers

Just so beautiful
Yesterday I saw
A young sweet girl
Very sweet,
Her fingers were as soft
As in the snap of yours,
Just ready to fall
I wanted to feel them too
But alas!

Cost Of Living

In earlier times
We could eat a dozen chocolates
Now we have to think
A dozen times,
Wow the costs
They take my breath away.

To Sqkeat Carol and Song bird


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