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Truth Doesn't Have To Hurt

I suffer not
no nightmares
no trauma
nor high stakes drama
no chronic illness
nor debilitating condition
anger is not an issue
nor is hate
nor impoverishment
nor existential angst

the "man " in me is thankful
the "artist" in me feels cheated
but, just so you know,
he (the artist in me)
is also a world class "idiot"!

No! No! Nonet

nonets seemed to me a might silly
I stand by that opinion still
nonetheless, I started one

looking for some meaning,
...counting syllables...

but I tried
had fun

Good news!

Well, I had to withdraw from the election. I just found out I'm pregnant, and if it goes anything like the first one, I definitely wouldn't be able to keep up with being on the AEC. I'm disappointed that I won't be able to run, but I'm looking forward to seeing our new family member that is on the way. :-)


the twirling of the night sky
while dancing looking up
the whirling of the stirring
when drinking from a cup

the fuzzy head from spinning
when I was a child
or staring for too long
into a spinning spiral

as I look into your eyes
those feeling come on quick
think I'm gonna be sick

That Guy (Pop)

if Rudy Vallee's records were released today
would he have an audience?
Oh, I'm sure a few in the pews
but nothing like that of th 20's
rest assured, he wouldn't play
not today
does that make him "bad"?
unlike the "fine arts",
pop music is,
as is all pop culture,
about style above everything else
current fashion trends
not then
not when
does that make it bad?
no! not necessarily
it is what it is

The Lion Man

The Lion Man

You choose a lion
And lions want
And have sex
100 times a day
Every two minutes
That’s why most of the time
One finds them resting
As brings in some meat
His woman

The very fact,
Your name appears,
Are half the battles worth?
Winning or losing
Is just a part of life?
Never deter
The others could be worse.

Some day I shall tell you,
How I won
Didn’t rehearse,
They all cursed me,
To have become the first

That Guy ( The Mirrors Of Perception )

moanin' and groanin'
yeah! I do my share
but, c'mon

we stay at home
to get away from people
with their whiney assed complaining

we sit at our computers
night after night
then whine about it
getting online
to moan and groan some more

what's my point???

we must like it!
it's our nature I suppose
"everyone else is a moron,
a fool,an ignorant reprobate"

A LOVELY reflection of an apparition

A LOVELY reflection of an apparition
In the mirror of time,
Neither photograph nor any camera
Can capture a virtual view in design
As it's nought.
Life transforms into the desolation
Of future time,
We all get absorbed metaphorically
And leave behind,
Virtual conjectures purely.

Good bye, fare thee well maiden,
You are a distant star,
Shining in heaven,
Perhaps they couldn't assimilate
What you had written.


the color yellow
has landed on nothing today
so I conjure it
by way of reverie and praise
a daze
of sunny disposition
girls in summer dresses
chatting of lovely things
in the light of Monet
I meditate on yellow
bathe in buttercups' haze
become a sunflower
on these awful gray days

...But The Clouds


...But The Clouds

luster of night lost
nymph and sheperd dance no more*
pouring morning rain

* this line, I appropriated, (ok stole). from
where, I don't know It is a fragment
I once read about. Please inform me if you know anything else about it.

just googled it: from John Milton's "Arcades"


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