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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


if only 'twere my hands....

I would've be able to answer you
touch me not
for the love of life,
my hands are scorching bloody white hot

you seem to touch many a hands
never mind

I hate one night stands
Not that I profess others to ignore

sex is loving
for only true lovers for sure…
if you are one
hold her hand
but only if till you can stand

if there is no vulgarity
serenity is all we look into it...
its naturality
and sexiness shall be privy

please note
wonderful edit by Ian

A Miracle

I'm having a miracle
Wow, what a thrill
my husband's over the moon
smiling broadly like a loon
to me pregnancy is a pain
all this weight I've had to gain
seems I have to bloom
because I've a full womb
people patting my belly as if its their's
rubbing away all my cares
I've two months to go
time passing so slow
then there's the labour
epidural my saviour
midwife fiddling with my bits and bobs
checking temperature, taking swabs


I thought we topped out
When we first said I do
How could two love each other more?
How could two possess such allure?
Adore you, I do
So blessed am I
To have you
For if possible, this love could cause me to need crutches
Cause that’s how strong my crush is
For you
At least was
Before it became more, now it’s just love
Two hearts, one US
From a first kiss
To a rush
From lust
Came trust
And so it was
You and me
Became “we”

NEW FANGLED...................

Hiphop, grunge , punk and rap
I guess I'm getting old
to me it all sounds just like crap
if I might be so bold

Computers built into the cars
and no more plain old carburators
asphalt instead of stone and tar
I'm a fuel injector hater

"Hooking up" instead of dating
when did men stop opening doors?
having babies without mating
calling all your girlfriends whores

m e t r o n i d a z o l e . . . .


airliners shed sunlight
pierce heaving slight
the flit ghost lock

Tender there against the
adrenal temps

there are tempers of
madness dripping
the loose mind connections

shivers thin sheaves
tinfoil emollient

roam room rotations
and the steady moment
clarity like a thousand
foot fall opens up
like a smile


Ashes of a misspent youth
memories of words uncouth
actions of an ignorant brute
respect didn't mean a hoot

Flames of wisdom slowly burn
the wheels of maturity slowly turn
others misfortunes I no longer scorn
seeking advice which I used to spurn

Gate Gate Paragate

Ravi played the sitar and
George's guitar wept....

I am not fond of farewells nor
of passages in and out of worlds
I barely know. There are hands
that hold the loam of fecund earth, there is sunshine
in the pockets of those amoung us, rising.
Rising again. Again.
In music, there can be no believers,
There are no earth-bound hostages in its


My son..My sun

For you my gardens thrive and bloom,
conveying perfumes all your way.
to weave the heaven's charms on loom,
for you my gardens thrive and bloom.
The sunrise shines to glint the gloom,
and casts its rays on plots you lay.
For you my gardens thrive and bloom,
conveying perfumes all your way.

housy homy

I have observed most folks live
in houses palatial,
brightly lit
heated hot

very few live in homes
within warm blankets
provided by living souls
in human form,

we all are hypocrites
more than not, often

Sufficiently Breathless


Not one thing
can better describe

the essence of a soul's own vibe,

than what prompts a heart to quicken
like a bird's;


we've both shared
footprints shadow made

but, sunlit footprints never fade;

love leaves us breathless,
with narry a need for words.



(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.