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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Just a Dream

You're a dream
that I'm left struggling to remember
- the details blurry
and fading fast.
Trying to picture your face and mannerisms
is something my brain has to
frantically grasp for
before it's been dissolved into my subconscious
and forgotten.



All that has died in me
lives in memory’s keep
shadows deep
melancholy blue

in a crcle never-ending
relentless and unforgiving
I am taken back back
to wounds ever bleeding

Who I am today
will die to tomorrow
and when the world I know
begins to fade a way
I sink
into shadows deep
melancholy blue.......

Dinner Invite

Just a brush of your hand
sends my pulse racing
a blush on my cheek
imagining where it could be tracing

Torture being so close
and not being able to kiss you
feelings of remorse
inviting a visitor or two

Wanting you so much
unable to hold you in my arms
avoiding the slightest touch
because I can't resist your charms

Bound to you, body, heart and soul
never knew such passion
my desire I'm trying to control
as the potatoes I'm mashing


In the spinning of the blade,
a superseding wish for gain.
In lieu of noble sentiments,
a list of new ingredients.

The jolly round is passed on by.
A jeroboam of bubbles lie.
Grail like drinks are fortified
by angel’s breath and Gorgon’s tied

into a Mandelbrot bootlace
of needing more but saving face.
Poised pen and poisoned inks;
lots of love, heart breaks and sinks.

the sun doses

perhaps she has no option
oooooo la la la la
wish her well from our side
there's nothing now left to hide
all rides are free for all of us
all that can well see
the sunrise is like an ebbing twilight
don't let it trouble,
thoughts wee ...

the darkness will soon be over
as the sunsets beyond the distant horizon
then the school's sweetheart will also say
darling follow me
the sun sets happily

Experiment and Excrement (New)

I want this and I want that
And I don't give a damn
If the country goes to hell
As long as I get my ham

I'm third generation on welfare
you said you'd care for me
I can't make it on my own
You've made it plain to see

Insanity is expecting different results
From the same old experiment
And so we'll try it just once more
To our own detriment


thin air

that's where the angels live

and we earthbound

keep the finger on the trigger

our horizons

from the watchtower

to the radar

keeping peace

keeping strong

the oppressors

the aggressors

in the safety of our bomb

the megatons that uphold





Only One Gift

If you could give only one thing?

Most people would say they choose love.

Love is like a day in spring,

when the birds soar high up above,


from the south to the north fly,

also waking from sleep creation,

telling the winter's cold good bye,

and the earth starts resurrection.


If love was the chosen one

this simple gift how would you give?

Would there be attached conditions,

with self serving motives,


or could you give it freely,

not expecting a reward?

MY Story ...Refugee No. Million

The years have almost passed my history.
My name is Number Million Refugee.
When others played against my destiny,
Palestine preserved the true identity.

My name is Number Million Refugee.
With blood they often fed and nourished me.
Palestine preserved true identity,
when others swept my Home's dignity.

Lingering Scent

Married a delectable rose
couldn't forsee the woes
her actions would compose

A flirtatious flower
men with kisses shower
her mysterious power

She spread her petals far and wide
his beautiful bride
no longer a source of pride

a lingering scent
he now repents
the passion he spent

His rose had thorns
his feelings scorned
her loss he mourns


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.