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Patent Pattern:

To those who prevaricate
And would try and implicate
By means that are intricate
Ones who would illuminate.

For those who malign
Will find that their design
To manipulate does not align
With the plans that are benign.

With this old adage, does one leave
In hoping those spinners perceive
"What a tangled web we weave
When we practice to deceive".

Last few words: 
Special interests and lobbies are the bane of the democratic model and only when their undue influence is drastically reduced will there be a real democracy where the rights and viewpoints of ordinary citizens count. In the status quo, a few groups and individuals using a variety of undemocratic means while holding the political class in bondage, due to large and (illegal?) donations, manage to get away with all their narrow, nefarious needs. The unbalanced foreign policy of several democracies is proof of the vice-like grip that special interests and lobbies exert on bought and paid for politicians.
Editing stage: 


until we eliminate the abilities to buy politicians, we will not have a pure democracy. sadly, I agree with what you are saying :( and I don't know how to "fix" it.

I had a little trouble understanding your first verse. but your last few words helped immensely, thank you for that.

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

First verse refers to whistleblowers - "Ones who would illuminate"..

At the risk of being perceived as interfering in other nations politics, the fix would be to elect anti-establishment candidates. In India, for instance, there is a movement to try and elect a Third Front government composed of several state parties with a common platform as opposed to both the right wing ruling party BJP and the centrist Congress that are both pan-India parties.

author comment

I very much appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me! good luck and keep writing!

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

even wealthier countries pour in coin to control
puppets....always been this way
America my cousin
all founding fathers were wealthy slave owning
party animals belonging to the Lodge
which on its own is a good thing
but no one from direct abject poverty has ever
driven the worlds direction since
primodial fuedal times...

but a great poem about how the system
they should just come out and say
its not people anymore
but the Crowns of Gold

thank U
for this Illuminating poem!

Mr Wolf!

Appreciate your taking the time to review my poem.

It is unfortunate if the established candidates become shoo-ins due to apathy, acceptance or apprehension among the electorate.

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