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I Love It When

I love it when I get you sweetheart
All to myself;
To take a walk -
To sit and talk -
About our lives and health.

I love it when I take you sweetheart
Out for a ride;
To drive around -
To get unwound -
With just you by my side.

I know you are so busy
Slaving away;
You wash -
You mend -
You cook -
You tend -
And go to work each day.

I know you are an angel
Sent from above;
You serve -
You care -
You heal -
You share -
God’s precious gift of love.

I love it when I have you sweetheart
Close in my arms;
Your kiss -
Your face -
Your warm embrace -
Are some of your great charms.

I’ll love it when in heaven sweetheart
God will make things new;
I’ll be in white,
And what a sight
When He puts wings on you.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem has a clear structure and rhythm, which makes it easy to follow and read. The repetition of the phrase "I love it when" provides a strong thematic thread throughout the piece.

The poem could benefit from a more varied vocabulary. For instance, the word "sweetheart" is repeated frequently, which can make the poem feel repetitive. Exploring different terms of endearment could add more depth and interest to the piece.

The poem's themes of love and appreciation are clear, but they could be explored in a more nuanced way. The poem currently relies on traditional and somewhat clichéd images of love and domesticity. Using more original and specific imagery could make the poem more engaging and unique.

The final stanza introduces a religious element that is not present in the rest of the poem. If this is an important aspect of the poem's message, it could be integrated more fully into the rest of the piece.

The poem's rhythm is generally consistent, which contributes to its easy readability. However, there are a few lines that disrupt this rhythm, such as "And go to work each day" and "God’s precious gift of love." Adjusting these lines to fit the established meter could improve the poem's flow.

Overall, the poem effectively communicates its themes of love and appreciation, but could be improved with more varied vocabulary, more original imagery, a more integrated exploration of its religious themes, and a more consistent rhythm.

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Oh this is lovely, what a great poem. I enjoyed the flow and the musical quality of the piece.
A love song to a partner. Well done. Ruby :)

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

Thank you so much.

author comment

very much, my only criticism is that your last line should most likely say: "When He puts wings [on] you."
~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thank you for catching that. That was a typo. Corrected.

author comment

Another lovely poem, tender and compassionate - full of sincere gratitude. Gentle and happy!

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts.

author comment
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