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Good Dead Poets

Good poets only compose,
To read their creative work,
When they are on their deathbed, alone
When there is none to moan,

No sounds of music
No sensations,
Dead feelings
The distant drums beating are heard,
Just to keep one alive,
Then upon the soil of ego
Man does survive
Just to die
He has a feeling
Of still being alive

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


I see you have delved deeply with this piece. Your title got my attention and the structure and content held.

No sounds of music
No sensations,
Dead feelings

When I am on my death I want to hear music. If it comes soon it will be the musical creations of Dylan and Tom Petty. If later we shall see.

I really like these lines:

The distant drums beating are heard,
Just to keep one alive,
Then upon the soil of ego
Man does survive
Just to die
He has a feeling
Of still being alive

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

THIS was an exceptional piece.


the distant drums beating are heard,
Just to keep one alive,
Then upon the soil of ego
Man does survive
Just to die
He has a feeling
Of still being alive


author comment

the distant drums beating are heard,
Just to keep one alive,
Then upon the soil of ego
Man does survive
Just to die
He has a feeling
Of still being alive


author comment

is this our grim fate? haha. great words; it takes you to a wistful graveyard scene full of long-gone masters of the trade. very nice.

the distant drums beating are heard,
Just to keep one alive,
Then upon the soil of ego
Man does survive
Just to die
He has a feeling
Of still being alive


author comment

alas, i did, and i did like it! but now you need to give up some info so i may return the favor. :D



author comment

An Excellent piece on taking our words to nowhere lol.
Though I must say once they are thought they are eternal, but write them down just in case, Sadie says you will love the Library that is there......
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

thanks for smaller mercies
Upon the will of kind folks
I do survive
As a bee does around the beehive
Most flicker around a candle flame
And burn them to earn a name.
So be it with me,
I burn the midnight oil with glee
Hopefully my works shall
Some day immortal be
So dear friends bow to thee


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