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Alethea's Fairies (1980)

Alethea told me that she saw them
the fairies playing in the oak
but she didn't tell her mother
for she'd think it was a joke

But I believed her story
for I remember as a child
the hours spent up in my tree
and the memories I compiled

All the magic things that happened
as I swayed there in the breeze
and that feeling of euphoria
I had when I climbed trees

Sometimes the magpies joined me
just to warble in the shade
and I'm sure I understood them
as I hid there in the glade

Oh how I loved that Moreton Bay
and the memories won't fade
even though she died so long ago
in my heart her beauty stayed

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 


and a warm welcome to Neopoet.
This is absolutely a piece I wished I have written. Bringing childhood memories and expressing them this well is the hardest for me till this moment, though they are many and all are happy.
I think you've interpreted them so well. I feel a little envied. :)
I have nothing to suggest for improvement at the moment.
Thank you!!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Thanks Rula im glad you liked it. My niece triggered those memories for me with her story about the fairies in the oak tree at my mums house.

author comment

Like Rula has's is a nice reminisce about childhood and convey how well you connnect and communicate with nature...i specially liked the verses

All the magic things that happened
as I swayed there in the breeze

they provide an energy to the whole poem is what i thought..


raj (sublime_ocean)

Thanks raj

author comment
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