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Hopes and fears come dancing
within the deep of night.
Upon the stage of dreams they play
and disappear by light.
At times as unknown characters
their lines of script are read.
At others, friends and family
in scenes of joy or dread.

Sometimes recalling what was seen
when comes the waking hour.
But most remain obscure by day
without sleeps magic power.
Attempts made at remembering
a futile task at best.
So racking of the consciousness
is quickly put to rest.

Eve of 2013

Vomit spewing everywhere,
On her face and in her hair
Pretty girl of yesteryear
Dead drunk

Angry man at passing station
Does he represent the nation?
Fights his friend of yesteryear
Dead drunk

Unable to stand upright
rowdy reveller of the night
Damaged liver from yesteryear
Dead drunk

Singing loudly, beer in hand
Unconscious to their fellow man
Enforced ASBO yesteryear
Dead drunk

I Live

I live in the spirtworld..
Where wrath of time
Is prose impearled

Take my pen and paint your shore
Sixteen pence
Is twice two four

Commence your golden shaded lore
And shape my words
To tend no more

Light Our Path Ahead

Into a new dark age
we go, marching,
careening headlong

[of soapbox poetry
there is no want
for many a voice
loudly rail and rant]

the terrain of our
condition and that
of our experience
has changed over
year upon year of
progress that has brought
us closer to the edge
of a generation that
lives on the horizon


peering further on


to challenges invisible
to our yet untrained minds

feelings of a new

Rose petals sit still,

Driven by the summer breeze,

Only stopping for clouds and you.

Your beauty stands still, freezing time and there after

Your love stands still.


Never to be challenged nor minimized,

And while you never falsely advertise,

I still ask, How did i get so lucky?

I used to dream about love, and those dreams could not touch this surface.

Just to think of you, Humbles me, as you are unequaled and supassed only by God himself.

Your love is real...

Really real..

A Miracle

I'm having a miracle
Wow, what a thrill
my husband's over the moon
smiling broadly like a loon
to me pregnancy is a pain
all this weight I've had to gain
seems I have to bloom
because I've a full womb
people patting my belly as if its their's
rubbing away all my cares
I've two months to go
time passing so slow
then there's the labour
epidural my saviour
midwife fiddling with my bits and bobs
checking temperature, taking swabs


I thought we topped out
When we first said I do
How could two love each other more?
How could two possess such allure?
Adore you, I do
So blessed am I
To have you
For if possible, this love could cause me to need crutches
Cause that’s how strong my crush is
For you
At least was
Before it became more, now it’s just love
Two hearts, one US
From a first kiss
To a rush
From lust
Came trust
And so it was
You and me
Became “we”

Winter on The Prairie

on the frozen edges of old night,
I sit upon the back-door steps,
flakes of snow still wandering through
the yellow glow of back-porch light,
and in the frost-breathed dark,
dusted by a swath of watchful stars
crowding close around the house,
I hear winter's whispering wind
through the leafless snowbound oaks,
and it brings back memories of the sea
a thousand miles of lifetime away.

Feeling Frisky

I'm feeling frisky
Can we be a bit risky?
find some little alcove
and share our love
I've never been so brave
but you, right now, I crave
Is that a sound of condemnation?
No, cos here you are at my work station
You say "I need you to do some filing"
I outwardly moan but can't stop smiling
never has it felt so right
can't wait for more afternoon delight

The Lullaby Tree

Shook me a branch on the Lullaby Tree
sweet melodic air wafted by me slowly
my eyes started to close unwittingly
soft mystery of the Lullaby Tree

Hypnotised by the whisper of the Lullaby Tree
magical dreamland drifted into me
flying on clouds of heavenly reverie
the wistful sound of the Lullaby Tree

Wanted to stay forever under the Lullaby Tree
peace and serenity enveloping me
but breeze brought me back to reality
precious time spent under the Lullaby Tree


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