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Editing - rough draft

The Arrogant (Rhyme Crimes WS)

I've been here for years
roaming the earth-my land,
Sowing the seeds of fears
with my own cruel hand.

I've committed the sin,
mimicked the demon's deeds,
I stole and killed my kin
Now I'm reaping the weeds.



rain rich
garment fresh

the control was the test
ring finger hand
riding shoulder shotgun

capillary dreams
shunting the show

and the world
exhales in its draw
like your blurry funny

how you love

HAIKU (Japanese poetry shop)

Seems I heard or read that Haiku are usually untitled........

As sweat drips from brow
even beneath a shade tree
comes dreams of winter

The new mown hay field
wild flowers and grass like thatch
where now butterfly?

Let the storm winds howl
let them toss the fields and trees
tempests seldom last

wait for me firstest poem here

Wait for me
around the edge
when it’s my time
hold my hand
squeeze it gently
to show your love

come to my arms
just for a while,
as time slips
below my feet
when in a whiff
I’m about to go
over the cliff
hold me tight
just once more
for then who knows for sure
whether I shall be

The Well of Life

by Ian Thomson
My Life, as far as I can tell,
Is like a stone dropped down a well.
It falls free, with uncaring speed,
Yet seems to hold all that I need.

But I know that quite soon the noise;
Those echoes of my woes and joys,
Will disappear like winter geese
As I, with weary splash, find peace.


rain anoints thee

the warmth of pleasure
settles like a shot of
greasy brandy

vernacular television spotlight
bathes my beauty
and we adore the wretched
eating chips while the affects
slithers like a serpent through

she dances

looking for her selves
in the haunted mirror
naked and alone

the kitchen chair like a toppled
throne is jammed secure
against the knob to the hall

the dirty carpet

"you dont fucking call me anymore"

Two Little Babies (a haiku)

two little babies
different in appearance
but loved both the same


After the auspicious consideration
given to this procedure I am left with no choice
I am to fight the same fight
handed over to me
at birth

No one asks
for such responsabilities in life
Thats why it's detremental
in our existence
to abide by simple rules

Produced to conform the unconformable
Seemingly made to be broken
Unspoken thoughts invade
my surroundings

Death by uselessness.

Death by uselessness.

What do you do?
You'll be forgotten in three generations.

Write poetry?
Oh please, you'll be forgotten in five minutes.

Let's face it,
you are soon gone and forgotten.

Immortality is a farce.
Reproduction is most often perpetrated
by the inept and morons,
a reversal of natural selection.

Who said human life is sancrosanct?
Who said that?
Some religious freak.


Some fruits eaten raw are better than fresh
your poetry is like raw mangoes
sweeter than sweet,
hard but finally soft
the breeze takes my heart away
every time I go to the sea,
I always feel so happy
with my spouse and me
at times,
I love to see other folks in bikinis
then my eyes open,
when they all smile at me
my torso is beyond imagination
round and round
some in my looks wish
I’d happiness have found
the breeze and the beach
are my signs of love


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