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Editing - rough draft


Trudging through cold winter rain
shoulders hunched against the chill
all the trees now bare and plain
how long 'till they don leaves again?
Easy to think they never will.

For year and I have both grown old
my long trek soon will reach its end
like a ribbon near unrolled.
This old poet can't pretend
that much of my story's untold.

Remember To Forget Me

You must forget me

As to do otherwise
is to tear wrench torture
what's left
of me

I'm left on promenades
walking in straight lines
but not reaching
my destination
jutting out in rough seas

I float a firm footing
over boiling cauldrons
but we all know
the soup is now

I can bear all
if you are erased

Remember to forget me

Falling Snow

On those cloudy early evenings of
winter months is conjured up a certain chill,
even in the steam of this tropic place.
Unlocked are stored up memories
of other winters long forgotten.

There the sounds of evening traffic and the city’s
passing life are muffled deep within a wintery baffle.
This quite broken only by the occasional and
repetitious clunk of a carelessly fastened snow chain,
against the undercarriage of a home bound car.


Floudering in many Plaices,
flat like Ray fish 
that Skate across the sand, 
as odd Cods glower at gaping mouthed
Sticklebacks in the backwaters,
Haddocks in the paddocks of Sea Horses, 
Anemones with friends and few enemies,
Kippers, kipping to themselves
under Mackerel skies.

A Man-pleasing Dresser

She’s a man-pleasing dresser
Women’s envy does not stress her

Short and tight for her is right
Women’s lips purse tight

She’s got a bust
Show it she must
Wants a man’s lust

She smirks with delight
At every wife’s plight
When her husband can’t
get her out of his sight
Try as he might

She’s here to please
She’s every man’s squeeze
Touch her, if you want to please

Married, single, give it a try
For her all men apply

She’s a tart with a heart
from your money you need not part

your essence

Close your eyes.
Let me lead you by the beach,
As the wind takes your hair
Along the velvet skyline.
Let me lead you by the beach,
As the wind takes your hair
Along the velvet skyline.
The sun visable..
Thought a minor figure
Compared to your beauty.
Your very essence appeals to those in doubt,
And misleads the portrait of itself
To see you smile, priceless
As even my vision isnt perfect
I can see you 20/20
Your my hearts rival,
And in that can do no harm
Thought a minor figure

A Poem In Steel...

Reach out for the speed
the need for speed
a new age of speed

Sports car icon
the one
the only
Jaguar E-Type

Sexy, star spangler
subframe bulkhead
single seater spacecar!

The need for speed
150mph beast
strict road test roaster!

Tyre master
faster master


Beep Beep!

A tiny text of lovely consequence

What a whimsical world
in which we both are gifted
a chance to reside
skin side by side.

I like a liquid love
and the feeling of
your body on mine
more than I can describe
or quickly nimbly imbibe.

Yet despite my mellow pacing please
allow my tongue curled and tied
to attempt a linguistic reeling
of haughty design
and frisky rhythms
inside your thighs.

We gaze into soft painted
and slow moving whispy skies
with bellowed brains
and deepening lung flung
bronchial sighs.

p a r a l l a x ^<\/>^ v i e


the limb drips with its tangles of ice
the light coughs through the souls vein
gleaming softly
damp as cataracts

in this rain kiss
the deaths shall wait
winters crepe
a pale vestige

this wing black eve
where angels weep
with mornings sight
will rise



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