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Editing - rough draft


Flowers of snow,
they blow about the sky like birds in flight,
a sight that sends the senses in a spin,
for deep within our hearts we love this dance,
this ballet-dance of nature,
as all is frozen, stilled;
and movement only comes
when winter wishes are fulfilled.


Years ago our ancestors came together
Before the eclipse turned our day into night
Built a small house, but big enough for all
Roof, like a bird with wings, tilted skyward
They sang of freedom for our families
Eagles flew across, never seen by men
We gazed upward and saw the falcons’ eyes

My Helpmate

And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. -- Genesis 2: 18 (KJV)

Angels must graced perfection upon such a lady,
With love more precious than a newborn baby;
Out of nowhere you came because I had the faith,
I thank God again for blessing me with you helpmate.

Took my breath away the first time I laid eyes on you,
Because my sole purpose in my life is to belong to you;
Hope came along the very moment that you entered,
No longer was the single life an option I had ventured.

Be Mine (proposal)

YOU might not be
as pretty
as some singers
nor shiny
as Hollywood stars

I might not be
as rich as Gates
nor genius
as Einstein

But I want to be yours
and you to be mine


Fifth December Victoria station
Both of us watching 2 lesbians
Clutching each other
Unconscious to the world.
You looked at me and said
"I need love"

of flowers..minor re-edit

beauty lies in the folds of nature
upon its natural beds
flowers bloom like angels
and spread love of life

such is the joy fresh flowers bring
the fragrance lasts a while …
yet all things end
so do flowers
after they bloom
they too wither away
but softly and slowly
as poets soldier- like fade away,

yet the inner soul,
the essence of life
continues for ever –
as they bury
their petals and seeds
bloom afresh others

the cycle of life continues…


Clad like a combatant set for battle
Raffia palm poised for a gift from Bacchus
Standing nearby with neither hand nor leg
The coconut is happy where it stands
It goes to the stream to fill up the pots
The sweet water was there before the rain
Saccharine cool, not minding the sun


deadletter box full of winter beat
its the slush and this steam heat

light this candle black as night
and a drop of blood from a finger

in the mirror you wait to meet
sit deathly quiet for a sign
the stranger from the other side


South born rain washes the night
tomorrow's forecast : clear and cold
I sit here beneath a dim light
as year and I both become old

If there was a such a thing

Receive from which I can give

For you, none is held back

All exposed ,

Though none withered or cold

Because your love is ..

Well just that Your love

Unequivocally pure and unmatched

More golden then the sun's hue

Is what i feel for you

To say you make my day brighter Is an understatement

I know this poem wont do it ..

It can not fill you in on how much i love you that is.

Because no matter how many words or lines I write

I ll always come up short of expression


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