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Editing - rough draft



In a mist of mushroom gray
swirls of yellow play
their yellow mellow melodies.
and in a sea of poppy red
I contemplate when I’ll be dead
but I’m so stoned
it matters not
Pass the hookah and the pot.

s u b p e o n a

gathered in a hunch

the garrulous touch

slicked down the windbreaker


had gathered heads bowed

in the brickwork dark

the clay magic stark

the ring of halo red and seeping

raindrops magic landing


the city rises

on cathedral islands

candles flicker

and on the streets
cameo stickers

on worn compacts

and fresh lips

Kissing Arianam

She said she hated kissing,she tossed her dyed red head
I said " then what else can you do when you first get in bed?"
"I got this evil sore throat from that first kiss you see"
it wasn't really worth it, such a beast was he"

"But did you not enjoy it Arianam" I cried
Amazed at her strange response, at her eyes open wide
"what was the taste like at the time ?what did he make you feel
Lesbians don't often have the pleasure of that meal


Peeping through a forbidden door

which I'd closed years before

memories that exalt and destroy

momentary joy

then tears I cry

It had ended in tragedy

caused such misery

gnawing feelings that haunt

remembered passions that taunt

there is no release

Will I ever find peace?


silken nights
cooled with a waft
of jasmine

languid movement
stirs the air
humidity settles
ice tipped fingers
crawl over my body

the horizon glows
I know somewhere
It burns like hell
and death knocks
at every door

Thousands of men wait
at call to fire storms
that are yet to begin

holding her eye .....2009

the eyes
the smile
Ah! the gaze
the lips twitching do amaze

the dimple cheeks one can’t ignore,
the wink and slant look all do adore
the cleavage is where, hangs an eye
no one can say why…

oh! a lass always looks into
the other’s eye
as she holds it for a second more
the voyeur knows
he is in for much more ..

VOL DE NUIT : French/English

VOL DE NUIT [ title from from novel by St. Exupéry]

Je me sens les yeux
se fermer
lourds comme le plomb
comme ceux d’un mort
qui sourient
ces yeux à moi.
Je me sens l’esprit
comme un oiseau
dans son vol de nuit
cet esprit à moi.

I feel my eyes begin
to close
heavy led
like the smile of the dead
these tired eyes of mine

Bacterial haiku

Was my sore throat you?
head to toe ? Or gym bacteria
Either way twas worth it

The webs of love

The webs of love are intricately spun:
passionate bodies and sudden bucks of lust,
mouths savored, goblets for gods' good drink,
rich from ancient harvests
of desire
and such helpless tenderness,
when all of that is done-

an unexpected sweetness
a tumble of words without a voice
and then-

bird song


Worries from past
sabotaging present
old memories
haunting tapestries
woven into now
wish they'd take a bow
and exit stage door
don't want them anymore


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