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Editing - polished draft

the grey matter garden

there are violent storms
on each side of the sky
pure resurrection
and rotting of worms
behind that third eye
where grow the roots
of metaphor.
where curious alice
takes a tumble,
and stones with hands
fuss and fumble.
what lurks inside
a dimly lit mirror?
hell, hidden, or heaven
within should be clear.
childhood repressions,
adult repercussions ,
emotional, volatile
mental eruptions.
psychotic corruptions.
depths of vessels:

We Explore Our Island

Without the Night,

Many days had been hellishly humid and hot.

Everyone loudly soluted what was to be the rising moon-now secretly vanished from sight on high.

Taking with it all the beauty there was to see of blazing comets and shooting stars

that no longer decorated a now absent, but still longed for. . .

twinkling Night sky.

The lack of air time and cancellation of the most watched reality show,

“Waxing and Waning Nights”, twisted all laws of our modern day science,

Trump Says...

Go back to where you came from
You haven't got a clue
Don't tell us white Americans
What we've got to do

If you don't like it here
Go back and change it there
Leave for your old, stinky country
Out of my blonde and thinning hair

I'll make you wish you never came
To our great American shores
Cross the Rio Grande, baby
And you will sleep on dirty floors

I'll take your children from you
Put them in a cage
Make immigrant a filthy word
I'll make you feel my rage

The Reason I Smile

You might ask me
The reason I smile today
Let me flaunt it a little
I’m wearing the smile that
You put on my face.
Wondering, I’m amazed by
Your haughty grace.
So many unforgettable hours
Squeezed in between
The hands of a clock. They raced
Past us fast, Tick Tick Tock!
Now, in my fondest of
Memories you lay. Robust with
Attitude, that lovely sway and a
Rocking laughter. All of it
I pray you would keep
As you, with you forever.
Don’t get me wrong. Your


Im worried about you
your acting really new
you never were the same
I think were the ones to blame

Your health is a secret
that's not how it should be
your the only one to keep it
you should at least tell me

I can see we stress you out
when you get mad and start to shout
yes, I know it when I see it
and the look on your face does fit

im mad, sad, worried about you
what your feeling, I don't have a clue
I want to know your feelings
to be more open


it's coming near the time we
this time last year,
everything was shiny and
this time last year,
there was a me & you
this time last year,
i was open to everything and
maybe i shouldn't have been
wearing my heart
on my
opened me up to your special
brand of
so here's to my naivety,
they're one in the same

The Cloud

cowards have used the cloud for acquisition
to hide lies about friends and foes alike

as the misty mountain top flees from
inquisitions and cries out loud

so may your eyes open wide
as the mists of liars collides

with the reality that most of us
want peace and heavenly sunrise

which chases the lying clouds away
leaving the pine green freshness over daisies

to wake us to higher aspirations
to clean the air and leave us breathless

after waiting in line to reach the top
of Mt. Everest, now too common

The Cloud

cowards have used the cloud for acquisition
to hide lies about friends and foes alike

as the misty mountain top flees from
inquisitions and cries out loud

so may your eyes open wide
as the mists of liars collides

with the reality that most of us
want peace and heavenly sunrise

which chases the lying clouds away
leaving the pine green freshness over daisies

to wake us to higher aspirations
to clean the air and leave us breathless

after waiting in line to reach the top
of Mt. Everest, now too common


we invited
Urayoán Noel
onto the car port above the Sherpas.

send in a friend.
make haste with the tape!

do you understand without much ado
meanings: the lessons for working in teams?

dreams fade if you look away from meanings...
cruel dictates prove only fodder for ghouls;

fools delight in belittling opposite tools
of research in institutions seeking help from above.

Love (Recon 31)

Pa says we must avoid at all cost
soy effervescence! he must be right--
we always do just what he says
schools promote sins and abominations--he preaches!

we never go to churches since he
stands outside a different one each week with gram-ma
preaching against the contamination
of soy effervescence in such detail:

explaining how it may be sprayed
on your food without your knowledge--
how it will age you prematurely--
weakening bones, stiffening joints
leading to premature brain addlement!


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