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Editing - draft


The moon rises in the twilight.
A pale orb in the dark.
Illuminating all in its phantom light.

Silken cream beams,
Mutilate the black velvet veil.
A terrible shriek of wind pierces the night,
A shrill and mournful sigh.

The moonlight leaches the trees of their color.
The wind strips the branches of their leaves.
Pale, skelletal cut-outs of wood contrast sharply with the onyx sky.
Like ink on parchment.

Last You Knew

Last you knew I was a wreck, alone again
Lost my heart in a fire that grew from sin
Held her hands to my face, she pulled away
Captured my soul with nothing to say

Last you knew I was in love, alone again
Left my hands in the fire of love and then
Pulled away from the ones who cared for me
Sheltered my heart in selfish ways, you see?

And then I knew, I was lost in the sea
Caught in the waves of love and jealousy
Pulled by the currents that lead you to me
Drowned in the dark, in misery

I'm Dog Tired Again

I haven't been dog tired
For some time
I usually pace myself
To preserve my health
Today I changed routine
Now I’m sleepy and winded

I missed my eye appointment Wednesday
So I rescheduled for Friday
Since I keep my mornings lazy
My appointments are later in the day
But, it wasn't so today
Because I had to make some changes

Soft Whirlwind

Feels like a soft whirlwind
Caught in the space between
The instant I see your face
Till I finally taste your smile.

Seems only moments ago our hearts joined
And feels like years plus a day
Since I heard your enticing voice
Sensual and low next to my ear.

Anticipation dances on my lips
Quivering blood rushes in my veins
Empty arms reach forward
Restless to feel the impassioned heat of your skin

The Facade

Chiseled by hand, formed to be alluring
You appear to have the clarity of diamonds
yet you’re hard, cold and sharp to touch.

You’re mysterious like a mature oyster
But underneath the impermeable shell
there's no smooth pearl to treasure.
You bring promises of spring colors
lush and green like emeralds
except no love grows from within.

Eyes iridescent prisms
an opal rainbow of colors
blurring with every tear you fall onto me.

Killer Deal...

Smiling lips pasted on his face
he knocks upon the door
While he waits, he begins to pace
in the stinking corridor

Finally, the dirty portal cracks
a suspicious man appears
Behind him, girls on their backs
their faces full of fear

The room is dim and foul of air
some money changes hands
The large man asks; How much the pair?
The other grins and understands

Self-employed Overtime

In a sea of mediocrity
there are exceptions on this earth,

where integrity, and personal values
show a legacy that has worth.

A struggling, single mother
continually does her best,

completing what's in front of her
like taking some weird test.

Wearing hats a plenty
She attempts to complete tasks,

from her pedestrian existence
before her boss has time to ask.

Being a minority
helped land her at this job,

neither does she sing for joy
nor have private time to sob.

Hard Man (revised)

I'm including the original with the revision because I got a lot of good solid critique with this and want to compare the differences directly.

Hard Man

I wish I was a hard man,
who men look at in fear.
I wish I was a hard man,
who women palpitate for in fear
I wish I was a hard man
so friends wouldn't call for help
in the middle of the night
I wish I was a hard man,
so women wouldn't love me,
as a friend.
Then I wouldn't have the responsibility I have,
of love.

Hard Man



Wind violently screams and unsettles the calm
Invisible force powered by a façade of brutality
He steps away from his dream back into reality

Hail thrashes from the sky onto the frozen road
Ocean of grey erodes against the wall of security
He drifts into the void towards unknown futurity

Hooded stranger
Man with no name
Cloaked outsider
Man with no face

Shadowed stranger
Man with no name
Disguised rider
Man with no face

Love and Nature By the Ocean

I walked the beaches' shore
Salty seas still lingers in my nose
With parted lips
The taste of salt settled
On my tonsils

I fancy the summer breeze
Welcome the humid air
That rose from the water's surface
My skin grubby with sand
Ever moist

The touch of his hand in mine
Welcoming stares in his eyes
Made the heat unnoticeable
Taste of wine on his breath
Warmth of sweetness on my face tickled

Like dandelions blown in the wind
Love and nature shares with the ocean


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