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Tonight Is Not Good

will you tape me up to your wall?
you ripped down all of the papers that were there
and I wasn't sure if you were angry or relieved
I can't tell if your head is on straight
are there two of me?
how many hearts am I holding out to you?
I can't talk on the phone anymore.
I can't help you from here.
just push the cork in tighter
let the bad things rust and waste away
you are stronger than the steel and
words are sharper than the metal
i'm sorry I still talked about her four months into our relationship
you didn't come at a bad time
it was only me being stupid
and i'm sorry I can't be there tonight
I would bring my jackhammer in case the sadness was concrete
and a life jacket in case you're floating in it
I was always so terrified you would let yourself drown
and leave me to wonder why I could swim and you couldn't
I know you're done with that.
it's just me being stupid again.
did you know that I thought I needed you?
now I know better.
now I know that I have always wanted you enough for it to feel like need,
and now I know
I only need you
to be okay.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


I especially like
"I would bring my jackhammer in case the sadness was concrete
and a life jacket in case you're floating in it."

and the ending lines

"and now I know
I only need you
to be okay."

I can very much relate to this, so I enjoyed this read
Thanks for sharing


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

thanks for the read! I always hope that people can relate to my stuff.
thanks again,

author comment

narrative and descripts are good...
a delve into a mood
a journey

I loved this write it was a cry from the heart to the heart
of something never let go, it matters not if fact or fiction
it is written with a truth of knowing,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

This is a really good down to earth write! I love the honesty and soul searching. It is a poem that touches the heart.

Well done.

Love Mand xxxx

you just made me very happy, thank you. I really do appreciate the attention (I mean, who wouldn't? :P) and the nice comments. it really makes my day. rather, night in this case :)

author comment

Just an observation:- Is there a reason for you having a "P" in the middle and at the end of your replies.
It is hard sometimes to know what to address people by, I have used mag but it seems bad without the capital, and then the option here is to have a "P".
Did you notice it brackets "P"lease Hel"p".
So could you let us know the way you would be liked to "B" called.
Yours waiting with "Interest" (Interest is an old friend), Ian."T" (;-)

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

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