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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



glitter gnash
a gullotine smile

depths swirl
in flashback knell
cotton candy coloured
pulse waves

like a vein charged
arterial spur

drawn back
the ghost

the wishing hall
the bitter mirror

throw on the crumpled
persona crouched
in the door chair

ring in a fresh packet
of ideals
on jangled

the run dipped
in its

like silverfish moon
on flourscent fire

Pain and suffering

Lord Buddha had said
pain and suffering are inevitable
seek pain
suffering prolongs

to reduce suffering
one must reduce pain
and suffering would also be gone
so don't hang on

pay heed to the philosophy
of the learned one
he left home all of a sudden
in order to live
in the hearts of mankind
for all times to come
for ever



There is no love
when moments pass
in loneliness.
There is no joy
in only seconds
spent together
There is darkness
when your heart sinks
with each “Good-bye.”

In Awe

The pallid moon rises,
murmuring among the reeds,
skipping on the water,
like a million silver beads.

A solitary loon calls
haunting the starry bright sky,
saturating the air
with the sound of its ghostly cry.

Soft wings glide no hurry,
across the vast inland seas,
sailing on a whisper,
lifted by the sent of a breeze.

A thunderstorm echoes,
shimmering jagged edged light,
flooding the horizon
while wolves howl to the night.

The Rising

Infinite whispers, in the timelessness
The soul stilled in the silence
The sands pour no more.
Past and future have faded,
Only the serenity of The Void.


My heart pounds, undulating the dark
The firmament stills,
for a moment.

Breath held for an eternity
breaks the slumber
The Earth shivering at the ancient expiration
Wraiths wail at the swelling tempest
Whispers of the awakening thunder the air


Lines slide thin
What is needed
What is wanted

the avowal
warrants latitude
larceny excused

the steamed sheets
hot breath showers
raging insults
forgiving twilight whisperers

demons sheltered
small rests
decisions unrequited

soft pillow forgetfulness
morning tills a new furrow

curled hair, pleasant familiar scent

war kissed fevers

small lives
become heroic


Feeling out each other
limits and rituals
Give me this...
I'll give you that
until you are so full

Orbiting ellipsis
thoughts are tossed aside
Never to be spoken
That way, there are no lies

Not close, but yet not far
distant and then near
Visions planted, nurtured
grown only...
for your ear

We are just who we are
but still...
You ready to believe?
Keep on talking buddy...
and I really will


Dark is the dungeon
where I dwell
my life has become a living hell

Night descends but for all I know
there could be daylight
or a candles glow

The fires of hell may be burning bright
but this I cannot see
the bread crumb trail I followed
ended inside of me

Witches on broomstick
are for fairy tale and light
other entities fill my night
leaving me pallid with fright

Happiness well, well

it takes a life time to know
to learn all about happiness
how to remain so

most of us run
from pillar to post
to find out what happiness means
no one searches one’s inners
to realize that’s where happiness lies,
in between mind and me

my desires and wants
my lust and sex...
all we need to do
is just to be happy
that’s what I mean to be,
do you really know
what happiness means
to ye….

Siren Song

I stare into the rays,
A face.
No more than a rumor in the mind
A face that peeks through the sun,
as it's strewn across the leaves
Long since it was forgotten.
Now a ghost, in a mind that is lost.

I can only reminisce
at having had the memory
My mind grasps at the whispered thought,
mere apparitions in my hand.
Where are they?
Where are they?!

The song still plays...


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.