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Anapestic Hexameter Quatrain - Ron Woodruff

ANTI-RANDOLOGY by Ron Woodruff

For the LUCK-/y do SMILE/ for the NEED-/y please TRY/ when in MOURN-/ing do CRY.

We are BE-/ ings of Flesh/ we are TRAPPED/ in this MESH/ love don't QUEST-/ion MORE.

Is it HARD-/er to SEE/ the small DIFF'-/rences plea:/ we are KIN/ 'til we DIE.

for the CHILD-/ ren we HOPE/ on the GLOB-/al scope WE/ must spread LOVE'S/ blessed SPORE.



The Dome by Ron Woodruff (BlueDemon77)

SCARS lock up | OUR o-pen | GASH-es clean. | SUCH does the | MIND mend life's | PAIN-ful breach:

MEM-or-ies | SPEC-ter like | STRIKE in sleep | BRING-ing past's | TOK-en mists, | PHAN-tom smell

WELLS-i-an | VEN-ture to | VIEW the once | KNOWN shapes of | GRACE-ful breast | STRETCH in reach

HAND grown cold | CHEST pal-lor | DRAINED to know | PAIN of loss | ALL too well.



Is Paradise Too Much To Ask

Take me to paradise
Where the grass is always green
On any side.

Take me to a place where worry is no more
Where tears fall as raindrops on rose petals
Where love paints a rainbow.

There's no love to be found after the sunsets
And the words of destruction fall as stars from heaven
When I fret.

Please don't eat the flesh of my desire
With your beastly claims
Aimed at my flesh when I try.


the thunder went, lights are out
power shut.
We feel through the dark til we find each other.
I hear you breathing,
but steady. I
put my hand on your chest to feel your
rhythmically dancing heart.
I smell your skin and I am filled with the must of your cologne.
I drink in the silence as I stare into the abyss of darkness.
The hair on your neck raises as the soft wind goes by.
Lip to Lip we meet once again as if I have found my better half.


we see each other
down the street
and I know I am in love
this won't be the last time we meet

the danger that institutes
your company
the looks and glairs
so worth it

when you light up your eyes
the strike of blue
never left my heart
if love is inevitable

the man across the street is looking
but on our girl on girl
our blushing is punishment
one we will have to endure

A Vision Of Eternity

Broken veil, specters unseen
shadows long in the low winter sun
highland home, just for a while
a place of mist and legend

Isolated, yet never truly alone
for even the shadows have intent
our spoken words hushed
lest we disturb the rightful residents
of this creaking cottage
that whispers secrets to me
in the dark

Silver glow through low cloud
indicates a bright moon
logs popping in the fireplace
acceptance of the belief
there is more to heaven
and this land
than meets the eye

Human Mind

Human mind…

one's mind is what one wants to be,
godly or devilish what he wishes to be.

I perform arts and science,
with grave significance,
to share a little, of what little I know;
you all are elements of knowledge so.

Wisdom comes to those alone,
who silently and patiently observe
that appears very slow,
though I find it steadily grow.

They feel we all must know
as drops add to water’s flow,
and widen the sea
so like becomes our knowledge be.


There are times I've naught to do
but sit and review memories
and take in what comes into view
describing it with words that please.

Today I see this old wood floor
each plank's grain makes it unique
with extra wear before each door.
Beside the desk it's stained by ink.

And there's a board just down the hall
which only squeks in winter time.
In spring it stops squeaking at all.
Summer sees it silent as a mime.



I"m Tired Too

I look at you
melting eyes
lets escape
and you say
"i'm tired
We are all
tired of our marriage
our kids
our jobs
this state
this weather
our in laws
the loneliness
that is why
I am looking
at you
looking in you
in those eyes
in those beautiful
blue eyes.


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