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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Our family

Family is all today
a small fragmented part in society
still continues to together stay

all others are friends
who lisp...
who except a loved one will ever kiss
a one fading into oblivion...
hoping one may stay with love and affection..
if it comes ones way
you are lucky
that I must say
New York still welcomes you
till this day

Lift me Up..tell me good news!

Tell me about a happy child who
with love and for love grows.
Tell me about a place
where grace rules,
where mercy fills up hearts
of the young and the old ,
where greediness and
poverty are mere words,
where no one shelters the
Man to Man abuse and
the wound won't scar
nor shall the bruise.


Childhood memories,
played to an afternoon rain
while rainbow watching.

Absurdly Heaven...

Absurdly Heaven….

Anger (catalectic dactylic tetrameter)

What shall we say of man’s anger that’s true?
Natural instinct it’s not spite the claim
leveled by science with nary a clue.
Psychoanalysis proffers a name.
Yet, all the while not assigning it here.
Anger is nothing but rank genic plague
wrought long ago in agrarian fear.
Let me be far more succinct and less vague.

Passion and Obsession

Two extremities of emotion
one is passion
another obsession…
both end up in disaster
of those who live
in infatuation
utterly consumed...

know the difference
between love,
thirst and thrust
the ultimatum of any union…
ardent love

an extreme desire
of a complex communion
an imagination
of final orgasm
as an ultimate culmination…

what then of obsession
tis psychotic in condition
absolutely mental
an aberration of mind
desire, thought and action…

One Flesh

Baby, we are one flesh,
Truly, we are man and wife;
Baby, we are one flesh,
The best ministry in my life.

I am so captivated by your love,
Baptized in the sea of God's favor;
Each morning to see who I dreamed of,
Beside me, answers my every prayer.

Let me rejoice in you, your worth,
Because you are my sacred crown;
You are my blessing here on earth,
Dubbed in new passion for holy ground.

Poetically speaking

Beautiful expression as always
it's a delight to read
your creative imagination
through poetic version

one worthy of consumption…
like a pure glass of red wine …
in cut glasses crystal fine
add, savor to the flavor
like poetry does

w i l l .. e j e c t..

falling in a smouldering arc
the black dark realm

a glean of warm
the darkest wretch
to find
the rarest rare

in stasis
like Love
hated and feared

in a reviled

the caress
of it
in its mixture

but the darkness
is moving
like a gulf
a vortex
like lust
with a might



Spending Some Time With Me Dad!

When I spent time with me dad,
I tell no fibs, this is what I had!
On day one, he gave me on a plate
A chicken salad “out of date”.

It’s the truth! I tell no lies,
I tried to conceal my bulging eyes
when he presented me with this grub,
slopped out of a hot sweaty tub.

I tried to suppress a yuck!
upon seeing the mountain of muck.
“eat up”, he said, with a toothless grin
“come on, now, it’s time to tuck in”.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.