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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Fresh Blossom (To Serve A Poet)

You stood out as a delicate gem of nature
the epitome of true passion
before your youth is ravaged through time

Weathered of your prime,
you bow to fate's decree, leaving behind
seeds of your memory to the birds of flight
that will spread them across the earth

The memory of your youth will linger
in the fragrance of the soil
until its time for it to be revived
when another's cycle begins


A Lasting Olympic Flame..

A Lasting Olympic Flame….

The starter’s gun was silenced by their roar,
in the velodrome not a wheel was turning.
Crowds of hungry people trying to score,
looked on as their homes were burning.

One had the strength to ask their leader,
should we just think this is an Olympic flame.
What about my daughter now I can’t feed her.
my homes burning but you say no ones to blame.

Hidden Love (To Serve Poet)

Hidden Love

I sit here listening to soft music.
Spirits of the Isles, touches my soul.
Racing as silent tides toward my shore
Gathered, then gently left for all to see.

Thoughts of things gone by, touch me now,
visions of things to come satisfy a need.
Where are those voices that echo love
I need them now, to fulfil a space in time.

Comfort in knowing our love is safe.
That you and I loved without earthly ties.
Come sit a while with me, here as one.
Catch with me our love, because I care.


r u s s i a n r i d g e

filling fields
towards a sun
against a darkness
violet and crimson


I imagine a dense network of tunnels;        
malleable, hollow tubes narrowing        
then swelling - breathing a complex        
language beyond my comprehension.              
The synchrony is beautiful        
and I long to understand it.      




Yobs yell to be sure
so everyone knows they are having fun
don't they know it themselves?

The bottom lip quivers,
perhaps pouting a tad too much.
A quick sly glance
that the lady needs to know
her grief is seen
sly glances


satyr in sepulchers non odious

serenade saffron
dazzle damp darkness
duct in concentrated concession
braiding on sea-mollusc shore wise
the dawn dreams with seance
by groove that ply breath tendril
tender dew fresh easiness oiled
sebaceous soft sweating
youthful glands baptizing flowers
synthetic to foretaste chill oceans
lit green gulls morn Mediterranean
not mourn ignition timorous
of potent heartbeats death-row
convent flag twine shifting impulse
from barometer of illusions elasticity
like when clouds thresh hold

It's No Vacation..

It’s No Vacation….

How can I vacate from what’s in my head,
Jackanory moments we get now and then.
Dreams or words, I hope to leave in my stead,
they must be written, then read again and again.

For then the truth will always be known,
if I write honest about what I’ve seen.
The young people of today must get shown,
what has really happened, what has been.

Shadow Days

I have walked in days just gone by,
that threw all sorts of shadows at my feet.
The sun felt cool as did the world,
was this all my feelings now that it was getting cool.

Why did the others that held my hand in times gone by,
leave me in this time,
I wonder why.

So it came to me as I looked around,
at the long shadows on the ground.
That most of them were cast,
by the things that were behind me.
This made the path ahead shine with hope,
that I could once again see.

Insider (for Ian, Gee and Carrie)

Walking in the shades of grey,
I have infiltrated the syndicates,
the elusive criminals of today
to study the games they played.

At times, my credibility is doubted
when fellows officers think I've swayed.
At times my loyalty is questioned
but my chief knows I will not stray.

For I have ended the reign of crimelords
with the evidence I have gathered
the scums thinking they're mortal gods,
trashed into a world of hurt.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.