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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


my face is my fortune-------------- hidden!

those who post others snaps
and try to get away
can be charged
for impersonation
by the way

so stay away
don't show your face
be flowery as I am
the best I can show of
what I am
a thing of joy
for all living and dead
gal or guy
to enjoy

all ahoy
only request I ever make
of ALL thee
read my poetry
once for all!
then say
after all!

frost reincarnation[INSPIRED BY BARBARA]

visage princesses, promies or proxies
no.............................. Abel's BLOOD carbon offsetting
yes him, Abel, the scared angel of death
this day Cains petition bromance bargainous
delivering dreamed love among miniature
mercy and the unquantifiable fools lion den
when the sun shines , and the rains fall,
a lion is giving birth, big media to
precious embodiment of wisdom
delight and the epitome universe matchy-matchy
generation maker hypermilling
but Cain must hide for the rest days turducken

No hole in truth

you have murderous tendencies do you

you killed a fly where as you could have shared ...
she could have been served...
on the news paper
with which you killed her

sections one to five
will be held against you ...
where ever are you...
only one call is due to you.....

call your legal advisor....

if all humans kill flies
then how will we all fly ...
no lies
flies have big eyes...
they can be used as spies ..

friends take care
when you kill a fly ...

I Spied A Little Fly

I spied
a little fly
buzzing away noisily,
irritating me
as it flew
around my honeydew,
waiting to share my food,
trying to claim its loot

A moment later,
it doesn't matter
for its life ended
just like I intended
when I folded the newspaper
to be its killer.


the tender heart

please, don't see me
the way I am today
my heart hasn't changed
my soul is the same
and the little boy of five
is still alive inside

Cognitive Dissonance

subdued by thoughts
amid trying
to force an ocean
through a straw
releasing only
seemingly reiterations
while hammering
for something
desperately trying
to escape
awake during
vespertine mornings
cocooning to something
vague and me
waiting to
reveal itself
and build room
for duo transformations
but real and lovely
and loving
frustration of simplicity
inside a
complex discordance



Beneath Tomorrows Stars

Beneath the October stars
We layed uncomfortably in a tent
Attention inevitably poured
Through the translucent screen door

Frosted with spider webs
Half opened broken zipper door
Were the stars aglow?
I knew then, I'd never know

These twinkling anythings'
Lighting, stunning, cunning things
Hold my concentration
Confused, I bit my tongue

Cats eyes
Balcony lights
Be you stars, be you not
Confess your sins
You no longer protest or fight
What stirs beyond the light

a cup of tea

A cup of tea

keep hot water ready
as global warming here keeps pace
they will pack my brand of tea
you may share in space
but it's too vast a place

in the universe
no venturing God
can keep trace

let's thus on earth embrace
ere our footfalls don't keep pace

we may land in sheer disgrace
at eternities hollow empty trace
if we can't without seeing here
each other trace
we may be considered as two poets
far out of place
trying to futilely embrace

awaiting for your Grace..for raj....

we were awaiting for your Grace

back to India
your foot prints do trace
its a great boon
some flowers sown in Canada
will bloom soon

ere we err not to water them
when no one is near
but the planted ones
are so very dear

Rise to the occasion
I must add
and flowers would bloom
of that I am glad

you will soon become
a flowery bed
a grand one
at that

raj Bombay/Mumbai
must now be ever so glad......

The Terrible Consequences of Sin Play Dramatic Verse WS

My Play from Scratch

Play dramatic Verse The Terrible Consequences of Sin
Characters—Adam, Eve/Woman, Voice of God, Angel with him, Cherub,

Archangel—in the Garden of Eden

In the garden of Eden
Adam and Eve had it all
a paradise home, no lease
countless fruit trees to feast
animals they subdued
short, tall, big and small.

Now the serpent
more cautious than all the animals
approached the woman in
a private conversation.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.