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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Your Demise Became My Desire

You start fights without a cause
Cussed me, then act like the victim
If only I had a missile
Then your mouth would be its target.

Why attack when I'm feeling well?
Starting fights without a cause
Your demise became my desire
Holding back kegs of fiery words.

Your callous, disrespectful taunts
Unrepented, doubling down
To start fights without a cause
Makes me dizzy full of contempt.


chokecherry smudge
the club mists
sticky trysts

black soled grey leather pumps
bracelets that glitter
like the snow
loud patrons
and cabbies
tracking black
ruts in the down
from Forever winter

Music and meter glow
Drive on driver
beneath the hallowed
dark eyes
dark nite
the fuel
may help us
sleep tonight
beneath the
burden of eternity
toiling in the turmoil
sleep rumpled

Nursery Crimes

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To commit fornication
Now Jill has got to pop 'the' pill
Cos Jack didn't use protection.

Twinkle twinkle little star,
Grew up to be a superstar
Now she behaves like a skank,
Cos it puts millions in the bank.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty 'staged' a big fall
Now he's crippled but life is great,
Cos he won when he sued the state.

Mommy's Shadow (free verse)

I wrote a poem for mom the other day.
I’d share it with you, but it turned out close.
So maybe I’ll just summarize her ways
and you can learn why I still love her most.

She wasn’t blessed with many brains I fear,
but mommy was true incarnate love.
At this point in the poem I dry a tear.
I forgot to tell you mommy’s up above.

I wasn’t there when my sweet mommy died.
It haunts me in cold ways I can’t escape.
Better the poem will tell you ‘out it hide.
You’ve heard enough, let the coffin shawl drape.


A long awaited southern wind
arrived with warm damp air today
bringing tiresome winter to its end
as scraps of old snow fade away.

Not quite yet time to turn the page
to springtime blooms and nesting birds
or thunderstorms which blow and rage.
Winter has not spoken its last words.

Even so, the sun feels good
on my head which is hat free
and I ain't sure if it should
but, for now, that's good enough for me.

Laying Down of Arms or Legs....

Laying Down of Arms or Legs….

Lay down your shield
lay down the fear, pick
up the sword, launch
your spear.
Do not hide behind
a kinsman’s tear, there is
no shelter from what’s
now here.

I seek no succour from friend
of our society, this statement I
make in social not religious
piety. There can be no
compromise when dealing
with propriety, not in street,
town, city or deity.

Nothing Better A Real Friend

There's nothing better, a real friend
She wasn't being courteous
Changing plans and not telling her
She took her kindness for granted.

Her feeling hurt, left in the dirt
There's nothing better, a real friend
Feeling regret, she asked, you mad?
No time, just common courtesy.

No explanation is called for
What's necessary at this point?
There's nothing better, a real friend
An apology, I'm sorry


Three hands turning in a circle
as day lifts her skirt to the night
one slower than the other
slower than the other

I want them to stop
take the darkness as my mistress
for tomorrow only brings
another day like today
and this day was unkind

But alas
the light shall come
like a bitch in heat
panting and pawing
scratching and clawing
til there is nothing left of me
but three hands
moving in a circle

M u l l e d P r o p o r t i o n i s t

Anger sizzles
ajar three fingers
a winter gasp
whispered in
from night gape
drawn pulled

The plump morose
mouth drawn in
its hiss
while fingers grate
and gather round
the fronds of hair
tucked tight at
the wrists

The orchestral beat
of music mad
steady on its wireless
like a snarl gone beyond
the mad

To All The Women I Loved

you bore me in your womb
for nine months of trial,
waiting in anticipation
as I grew within you.
On the day of my birth,
you struggled between life and death
so that I could enter this world.
Without your love
I would never have witnessed
the sun, the moon and stars.
I owe my life to you
now until the end of time.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.