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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Are the wealthy truly free?
They live in luxury
envied by many
in their arrogance forgetting
that Man are all equals in the eyes of God

They mingle amongst themselves
parading and boasting their material wealth
while outside, people suffer
from the grip of poverty and disease

Their pride in their gold and silver misplaced
by their inability to be more humane.
Their smiles and laughter hollow
lacking in sincerity, they don't know
what ails the restlessness inside.

Decision Bell

The winds have left us, here in a lull,
that makes the native ghosts audible
in their groans

There is an office, aloof somewhere
shaking hands, with barely
tactile strength to hold the promised pen

Less sway, in the hurricane corridor of power,
they decide today-
which manipulated, manicured monsters

Will tend to our flocking fears,
which charcoal suit, the colour of burnt gum
will leave us in the paling townships


happy fall
my long walk
rail yard bridge
the cars on the
tracks as small
as the ones
large and
swift on
the blacktop

crisp air cool
with its sheen
white birds
cutting the sky
white clouds
so clean

Step from the
with style
dyed dark
cropped hair
with your best
drop dead
little voice
asking for
a smoke



Sixteen millimeter memories
smiles frozen in time
ghosts in slow motion
reliving a moment of mortality.
false resurrections
tricks of the mind
suspension of disbelief.
keeping the dead alive

Humor Me !!

[honestly, this attempted sonnet is solely possible due to continual guidance and patience by both Judyanne & Rula]

a forward step and two or more in hind
it may not ever happen but I'll strive
iambic feet may never get to five
it's not my fault I fall so much behind

a rainbow seems to hold a pot of gold
I keep on chasing them with fingers crossed
I'll find a golden goose or count my loss
may luck befriend me 'fore my feet go cold

Doors (February contest)


When you were just a little child
you left your door part open
so I could always watch you
if ever you were frightened
I could quickly cross the threshold
be right there
and you would be consoled

the doorway to heaven
is not mine to pass through
for now
but, with love and determination
you left it ajar
so I could still see
when I have fear
where you are





Step Out The Door (Feb. Contest)

Step out the door to clear the doubt.
You'll learn for sure what life's about.
What's good, what's bad you shall explore,
to clear the doubt, step out the door.

Unlatch the lock, lash out the fear.
find out your way through hope and cheer.
The journey is a joyful walk,
Lash out the fear, unlatch the lock.

Knock hard to learn what, where and why.
Detect the world with naked eye.
It doesn't lie, but helps you gain.
What, where and why, knock hard to learn.


When you were young
And travelled buoyant on
the air,

When you bore beauty,
yet were a little easier
to bear

When, you had a keen rasping

And scarce knew how
to tell a lie,

In substance, when you,
were smaller in humility, yet holier than now,

And love was boundless
regardless of how

Life’s purpose went, demanding definition
there you were:

In a constellation, with all the others,
yet brighter than any above us,

let time pass

the daunting rays shimmer 
the moonlight in your tears
while the bloomless days of april
mirror the state of your fears

when creepy shadows peep
through the window of our glee,
winter's tattered memories
ponder the spring in your spree

while rampant chords echoed
our nuptial chants that night,
malice invaded languidly
the placid moment's plight

how graciously in defeat
along the mortal crest
passion in one fatal heave
splashed to shattered, labored rest

Love Won... [Sonnets, let's know more]

My heart did thump in such a coldish breast
As once she passed my sight, then I am dumb
I heard no sound, my brain was dark and numb
They went, my ears, my friend said “This, the test"

With nothing signaling she'd noticed me
I'd not abandon hope, I'd never doubt
My love, she was, I would so often shout
I tried so hard, I worked to make her see


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