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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



* Unemployment rate lowest since 2007. But........

I was a well paid carpenter in two thousand eight
then due to the banks' mistakes
I became a victim of cruel fate

I ran the newest textile loom
zero defects was my theme
NAFTA led to my job's doom

I was a solar cell technologist
thinking my cutting edge job safe
then China bought the company...guess you get the gist

I mined coal, I sold homes, I forged steel,
the list goes on and on.....
of things the numbers don't reveal

just sometimes...

memories are precious
but dangerous

moments in looking-glasses
labelled yesterdays
from which we sip savours of
gone glories
and outstanding regrets

if we spend too much time with
only the piquancy of past on our palate
we forget to make new reflections

and our lives become
as a hall of mirrors
with continuous
eternal tastings of
old, satisfying flavours



Where are you now? I just can't

accept..No mama why so soon?

You see I just...I was

planning to visit you on New Year's eve.

Me, my lover, we planned... we did!

Honest! but we thought you got better and it was

difficult because...fireworks. There were

fireworks everywhere and I am scared of them

so we decided to visit you by the next day

but mom woke me up

"Mama's dead! Why didn't you visit her when you can?"


Waves Clashing Shore of Myrtle Beach

My toes wiggled in the cool sand
Waves crashed onto shore, Myrtle Beach
I sat bottom of beach house steps
The ripples move in then move out.

Part of the beach is washed away
My toes wiggled in the cool sand
My heart pulled into the ocean
Cool, damp, salty breeze on my skin

Never before seen an ocean
Its Divine power drew me in
My toes wiggled in the cool sand
Skies meets water in the distant.

Goodbye, Mr Lee

Goodbye, Mr Lee
Thank you for memories
of the best years of Singapore

By your side, we have witnessed
the growth of our beloved city
from the old village of yesterday
to be the pride of our nation today

You have championed our cause,
leading us through troubed times.
You have strived with us for many years,
dedicating your life for this country


intern the crust
broken this offering
a defeat the wine on your purity
close my lids
the cold kiss of nite upon
these lashes
and let your soft gentle
lull be wings
to this silent heart


well then bury me

Bury me

Bury me in your thoughts
and worse
in your poetic verse
as worst

then over my bier
throw all the roses here
mostly red ones
now shed a tear or two
wouldn’t you?

as you lower my bier
six feet below
twill be dark and cold
so leave a candle
and a match stick too
ere I feel
like returning back to you

But take care
place no tissue
ere I burn away
as I wouldn’t want to
someone would wish
I’d do ....

Is It Any Wonder I Quake

Is it any wonder I quake
the night is dark and I'm awake
I am a women on my own
with nothing but a dog and phone.

I'm crinkly old and like a rake
Is it any wonder I quake
a criminal could knock me flat
that's why I hide a cricket bat.

My doors are locked, but I'm in dread
Is Jack the ripper 'neath my bed?
Is it any wonder I quake
with thoughts like these that make me shake.


At the end of the line, I
don't want a big moment,
or a huge to do.
I'd like
to maybe just sigh.
Maybe just sigh.

I don't know, indeed,
what this whole affair
must have been like for you;
as for me it feels
like I've been pressed
under the heaviest rock.

No, I don't expect you to get it,
and I don't expect
you to understand.
Not for a lack
of ability or insight,
but because you can't walk
the steps I have to take.

Night Owls ( Protitutes are Honest people.)

Night Owls.. (Prostitutes and Honest people)

Owls being locked up in a cold iron cage,
taken on a money spinning Hollywood tour.
People quite rightly filled with disgust and rage,
still they show no love for a downtown whore.

Dangerous streets deadly dirt filled syringes,
got to shoot as her body starts feeling bad.
On a pimps integrity her life now hinges,
she don’t care about being happy or sad.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.