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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Jogging among the sun

Rising with the sun
racing with its rays,
basking in the beauty
of Earth's pleasant days.
The morning coolness to take you in
drape you in its humid friend.

Feeling the trickling beads as you progress,
with each sprint you keep a step ahead.
Drippings of morning welcoming you,
gentle reminders of rain mixed with dew.

To rise with the sun is to rediscover.
Remember the beauty within.
To race with its rays and grow as well.
Fading away darkness,
renuining the world's light.


past is history
a story twas…
future will be tomorrow
when it comes
twill be today
so then there is in reality
no tomorrow we may say….
so all boils down to simplicity
of the present we have
betwixt history and future,
the salad we have
enlivens us our memories
which indelibly become ingrained
in the deep recesses of the human mind…
we may recall in the distant future,
if we so desire
but then all can't so live
in the present
but all of you



I’m not here to sing or dance
play a tune or do magic tricks
and if by chance
I speak my melancholy
it’s not how I want to be
but when that stillness comes
there is no where else to run.

Black Hillside

black hillside
I spat the blood, spewed the clotting
tongue out hanging metal spotting
eyes are swimming worlds are plotting
black green rotting black green rotting
My breastplate long had cleft in two
I'm yellow red and black and blue
I stare the hatred at a few
My eye on you, my eye on you
I bit the vein to show I would
I lit the train to show I could
I hacked the knee of giant wood
I fought each good, I fought each good
a fogbound day a folly stood


The verge emblazoned once with brush and trees -
the road to visit childhood - desolate
Encroaching farm undressed the land to seize
the verge emblazoned once with brush and trees
Here ignorance has caused the human species
to clear the land, allow the salt to make
the verge emblazoned once with brush and trees -
the road to visit childhood – desolate


So much morphine to block the pain...
I hope you dream of younger days
in your mind, strong running free again
instead of here in sterile haze.

Labored breathing, thanks cigarette,
heart monitor's monotonous beep;
a scene I never will forget
as dad approached his final sleep.

He gave me love of the outdoors;
now trapped here in this lifeless place.
He'd prefer duff, not polished floors
or fishing in a full tailrace.

Pleiades my Starship

On the other side of maybe
I meet a lot of folks
perhaps Jess will open the door
between the tiger and the lady
but you see there is nothing

not even the smile of a Cheshire cat
can disappear
inside a room too big
or too small
for gratitude
to enter
but if I'm right, a poet just might
slip through the cracks in its opening


Dreamscape for you to see.
Would you expect more from me.
For walking in the clouds
Hold me gently in your mind

Leave all the unkind things behind
Run with the waters of mountain streams
Bubble oh bubble in love of dreams
Hold a picture in your mind

Of feelings felt sometimes
When heaven bows to the earth where I lay
A lonely person formed from clay
Touch my soul it’s the thing that goes on

Forever your hand in mine
Walk with me to infinity
Leave troubles that scar
Leave those days far behind


I want to be a poet again
and dissolve into the internet to change the world

It would be cool to be able to get up in the morning
and have martial arts like Bruce Lee

Soon I might wash and shave most days
and write the greatest novel ever written

Maybe I’ll take a walk for the hell of it
and spread a meme to end poverty

Yesterday I listened to an Anthony Robbins tape
(please don’t tell anyone)
and felt some general gratitude

Today I went to a great play with a friend
and wrote this.

Depths (revised)


Into the crystal clear pool
Many secrets hiding
Where the luscious sapphire water
Of lonely indigo yearning
Meets with aquatic forests
Of rich emerald velvet desire
to reveal a haven of acceptance
Where the starlit silence
Of her fairy childlike devotion
is pure and resplendent in a swirl of melding
This tide pool of loving...
The meridian of many an unchained soul


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.