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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


wintry kiss bliss

so really nice
like swinging on a swing
a gal in mind
another like a ring
around the girdle of mine ….
singing like sing-a ,sing-a roses
all poetry disposes
what love of the breeze
will make you and her freeze
as the two of you entwine
to make sounds
like the hail’s falling on a tapered roof
then falling on your heads
making both feel nude
that’s the fun in singing
happy songs like the two do
winter flower inside the room
and the breeze outside
none can touch the other


It ticks like a clock
But a clock it is not
It beats like a drum
Till the rhythm is done
It cries like a child
For what went before
It all starts to happen
With a knock on the door
It swims like a fish
Lying grilled on your plate
It shouts like a boss
When you’re once again late
It sends you a smile
Wrapped up in a frown
It says to look up
When you have to look down
It does make a sound
When alone in the wood
It sometimes says no

Victory at Hand

If you wanted the jouney
and you wanted the lands.
If you’ve gotten the victory
and you’ve gotten this hand.

If we’ve fallen for shimmer
and we’ve fallen with grace.
If they’ve recalled the winner
and they’ve recalled our race.

If we’ve failed in all eyes
and we’ve failed in our own.
If you’ve succumb to the lies
and you’ve succumb to the drone.

If we’ve become fuel for regret
and we’ve become anchor to ship.
If they’ve caused your forget
and they’ve caused the hypocrite.

Cheat Sheets

"The nineties made terrible camaros.
Those things were the nastiest cars i've ever seen."

study hall is not quite as silent as i was sure it would be
without you keeping me from doing my homework
or forcing me to do just that
sometimes you just want to hide
and we can't
but i couldn't blame you.

Our Proposal

You said “What about it”

I said “What about what”

“Marriage and all that”

I didn’t look up in case you weren’t sincere

Because you are everything I hold dear

“Well” you said

I lifted my head

We looked at each other

Our smiles you couldn’t smother

I don’t think either of us actually ever did propose

Things just happened I suppose

It was just decided there and then

Now we’ve chose the place and when

Being a recession

We just had a session

The ring has to wait


"What's in a name?"

If Carolina wears a caribina
and Charlotta has got a

Will Phillip pass the
stirrups and Matt
his hat?

Why does Wycliffe
need his handcuff
and Gracie need a lift?

Will that be too
much for Smith
If Sally eats
the pith?

Can Heather find
the feather in
her pillow for
little Willow?

What's in a name?
By evidence
no substance
and that's a real shame!

someday he will come

Someday he will come. When the timing is right
he'll ride to my door on a horse pure and white.
Perhaps, even better, a big jaguar -
not the wild animal … I mean the car -
with roses on long stems, chocolate delights.

He’ll whisk me away to his house on the heights,
the tale of my dull, boring life to re-write,
perchance even, one day, to make me a star.
Someday he will come


Silent screams take root and flower
cloaking the garden of our mind with nightmares.
Memories pulsate next to a waterfall of tears
as we listen for the goodbyes that never came.
Today like yesterday and every other
we recall your smiles your words softly spoken
and your presence reassuring.
Time erodes the past but refreshes the memory
each likened to a page from the book of life.
Mothers, fathers, uncles, brothers
sisters, aunts, strangers and others
remembered with love respect and dignity.

Old Leather Heart..

Old Leather Heart..

What ails you now old leather heart,
like me can you not bear her grieving.
From one that’s always been a part,
of my joys, or sadness when leaving.

You loved her as did I my friend,
she did so brighten our dreary lives.
We must remain on task until it’s end,
a pledge, made on blood wet knives.

We’ve travelled far and seen so much,
but left a great many comrades behind.
Terrible times we’ve had lives to touch,
on a hard road not marked nor signed.

Autumn Home

The wistful wind
The tide of the trees
The red and gold color of crisp fallen leaves

The vast green floor
And blue tapestries
Blew right through me with the gentle breeze

My peaceful soul
Knows its home
This great rock of which I roam


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.