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Woes of War

Old history colluding with current economics for a new geography
Future blurred by the present reflections of past shadows
Perspective clouded by bitterness, lessened yet by fevered demography
Daily doses of death surgically doctored by feuding foes.

Professing peace, proscribing proliferation & prescribing persecution
Protecting & preserving a people, prosecuting & purging a populace
Resurrecting religion, retaining residency & resource redistribution
Rebuilding & revitalizing a region, restraining & razing a race.

As stated by Mahatma Gandhi, one of the great sages
"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind", still remains true
Solution to the problem has been the golden rule throughout the ages
"Do unto others, as you would have done unto you".

Editing stage: 


cauldron of man the ultimate Alpha apex predator
run on power and cash
no remorse

even in the hippy cults of yesteryear
love and living off the land
eroded into the alphas dominating
the scheme
dog eat dog
and only the strongest rightfully should

even ghandi sacrificed
cleansed some would say
when we have destroyed the
world the world will
do unto us!

a great prophesy
it only we all could
stop bickering and
running each other
down...but no
even the smallest
of gatherings will
show its humanity

Thank U!

appreciate your response.
processing your prolific prose post.

author comment

but ultimately a good read.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

I appreciated the part of your comment relating to the poem being a good read.

author comment
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