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Why Do I Love You?

Why, do I love you, so?
That's the question you ask, each day;
and, it seems as though,
I don't even know,
because I can't think of anything, to say!

It occurred to me to try...what the hell!
I will answer the question you ask;
in deep love, I fell
so, I am, pretell,
the only one, who could accomplish this task.

It's quite obvious, that I love you, true;
because, I'll never forget that night;
a hand invitation, to you
and, our union grew!
Then, we held one another, 'til daylight.

I really love, how you've always been
so passionate through all you endure;
it's become a trend,
calling you, my "best friend",
but, you are! Of that much, I'm sure.

I love how you say, "I love you, too."
And, I know that I'd break down, and cry;
if I heard it from,
you, can't say what I'd do;
if you told me it was just, a lie!

I'm pleased, that we together
share the knowledge, this is real,
and deep, in measure... any weather
we both understand, what we feel.

So, next time you would'st ask of me
what reasons do I bring?
My love, for thee,
sets my spirit, free
causing my heart, to up and sing!

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
Editing stage: 


I enjoyed this as i like the tongue in cheek humor, and the fact that it has a staccato pace, adds to the fun. Though i had to read it once or twice to bed in so to speak. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

I read a poem from Stan this morning! it to was touching. It seems men who write poetry have a soft heart.

So nice to read and, as roscoe says, it has a staccato pace.

Thank you for sharing.

Love Mand xxxxxxxx

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