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Who I Am

I am a futile speck of dust in an ever-expanding cosmos

I am the missing link in an ever-evolving dying species

I am a sliver of light unable to escape the black hole

I am a dead thought in the back of an unstable mind

I am an echo of an unheard voice from long ago

I am the broken umbilical cord between the Sun and Moon

I am the dying son descended from a line of death

I am the destiny of a fractured past embodied in one

I am a dried recollection in a desert of hopeless dreamers

This is who I am

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The first and third metaphor the best, although none seem disjointed. the answer which jumped into my mind as answer to the question was: Dis-jointed Being


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

Thanks for reading Tyro

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of repetitious lines in most works, but I do see the value here. This piece gives a little insight to how it must feel in being depressed. My youngest son [in his thirties], suffers from depression and severe mood swings. The mental-health care here is not so good because of how overburdened and understaffed they are and can do little more than offer him meds and a counseling session a couple of times a month. I just pray that he stays stable and free from harm, as I do you. Take care my friend. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thanks Geezer. I try my best.

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