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Shrinking Man

In the rain, I become a shrinking man

With tiny, tiny feet and little, little hands

My eyes get so small they cannot cry

My mouth gets so minuscule it cannot lie

I get so small my clothes no longer fit

My fingernails become itty bitty bits

My legs can no longer take a stride

My brain's thoughts can no longer hide

I know I should not walk again in the rain

But if I do not, how will I wash away my pain

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What a fun read!
Some lines are longer than others which can be easily fixed to make a smoother read.
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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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author comment

I agree! This is so clever. The rhyme carries the message along well. Your last line grabbed me. Perfect title. You have a knack in using a simple method to describe more complicated emotions. I, too, enjoyed this!
Thank you!

Thanks for reading Lavender

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