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Vital Values:

Fads and styles do trend
Fifteen Minutes Fame portend
Values last till End.

Last few words: 
Our thoughts, our conversations, our comments, our actions are all indicative of our value systems. Styles, fads may be in fashion for a few weeks or months but our value systems remain till the end. I am always reminded about what my parents and their parents ingrained in us - how we behave and respect others values is a reflection of our upbringing and we should always be mindful of our heritage.and not bring dishonour to our culture, our ancestors, our family and upon ourselves.
Editing stage: 


Rudyard Kipling b.1865 Bombay India.

"No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself" - Rudyard Kipling

So true and relevant today where most of the politicians in particular, the media and the establishment in general are owned by vested interests, lobbies and particular groups of individuals are "more equal than others" when it comes to value of life, aid or influence.

Those who can boldly point out that the Emperor has no clothes own themselves.

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