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We are numb in our tenements, the thick soot
Of prophesy makes a witch-hunt of the heart,
Shell shocked by absurdity, while a Caligula tweets
That the empire is fully restored in his name;
We have only learned the sorrow of repentance.

The children of No Kingdom are seduced,
Their spirits hang in the citadel of limbo;
The elders are shattered by the state of siege,
As the edicts to the whispering fear
Make hysterical headlines of the idiotic.

Mobs praise the counterfeit messiah;
I pass these days in a monotone of tomorrows
Watching their parade to No Kingdom;
The angry kin of weary conquerors,
The worshipers of necromantic America.

Town bells of freedom rust in their towers,
To Bezer will swarm the great nation;
Pitiless slays the pitiful, :"the whole country
A smoking, stinking garbage dump-
The fires burning day and night..."

Boundless confusion soon leads to war,
Behold the sword of history filled with blood!
Our garden walls once vined with hope
Now crumble to the rumor of the crowds,
Obese in their hatred of the sad immigrant.

Citizen, our tribe is from the genesis of slaves,
Blood brothers from famine and persecution;
It is not enough to build a pillared temple
Just to hide in a sewer of dampness and worms-
Are we but the scavengers who remain?

How the spirits of the lofty statues
Are now homeless on jagged pavements;
The daily lies spread as the vultures feast!
What vengeance claims the coming age of man?
What vain electric offering to our empty land?

To those who kill with words and hateful ways,
In drunkenness they scuff the word of their god.
See them hoist their fascist salutes as the mongrel
Tweets from his rotten bowels to No Kingdom;
While burns our lineage to a poverty of ruins.

Last few words: 
The poem refers to Isaiah, who prophesied the undoing of the great state by corruption and greed, and states in 34 8:15 “He shall stretch the line of confusion over it...They shall name it No Kingdom there, and all its princes shall be nothing” There are so many translations, the one stanza with the quotes is the direct quote from the MSG version.////Also refer to Bezer, Moses set apart Bezer” that the man slayer might flee there who kills his neighbor unintentionally” Deuteronomy 5 41:43 The current fall from grace of our nation is in biblical terms. I had to finally write a poem about it.
Editing stage: 


I will have to read this a few more times, Eumo, it is a passionate beseeching cry from the dark of that nation, I really feel for you guys - each infantile tweet from the fallen Olympus, is more and more surreal.. There is a lack of political poetry around that addresses the elephant (or should I say horse..?) in the room..for he has appointed many "horse consuls" to his ranks. And rank it is, too. This is a resounding call to the huddled masses! I wish I could broadcast in to every dumb "social" feed throughout the land! Whatever became of the "Mother of exiles"? Whatever became of the pledge:

"“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Not a new colossus - but a colossal wreck worthy of Ozymandias!

This is really great work Eumo - rarely have I seen such eloquence for a long time. The finals words, do explicate the references to some degree. Younger readers, perhaps even oversea readers may benefit by some further explanation, that's the only suggestion I have, perhaps some links to those references to Bezer - I am fascinated, and will enjoy a deeper reading of this poem when time allows.

In closing, all I can say, is bravo, brave stuff..I don't undertand the sometimes inexplicable, convenient silences..while Rome burns so blatantly - this is very welcome.

PS I have written political pieces, and found a hostile reception, particularly when it comes to any subject matter involving refugees, asylum seekers, as they are now termed over here, the 'other' - Australia's treatment of them, being particularly abhorrent.

i wrote a piece regarding the terrible crimes of the Catholic church, in terms of it's treatment of children, and epidemic state of abuse, it was subtle, but enough:

I posted it somewhere else, and the tirade of abuse followed, along with praise in equal measure. All I can say is, that there is always going to be a place for political poetry, protest songs etc. - we have to keep trying. Kudos.

Chris Hall - Tasmania

Grossbooted draymen rolled barrels dullthudding out of Prince's stores and bumped them up on the brewery float. On the brewery float bumped dullthudding barrels rolled by grossbooted draymen out of Prince's stores.

I checked out your poem, indeed as powerful then as now, with your latest Australian clergyman in the news. A very big story!
Here in the States...the outrage seeps into every part of our lives- just came from 4th of July party, people here from all places in the world- poets, tango dancers, Buddhists, therapists, that's all you hear, the disbelief we are living in a similar way the German intelligentsia did when Hitler gained power. Everyone feels Trump will fail, only because they feel that Trump is too stupid, unlike Hitler, who was evil but cunning. I'm not that sure. 20% of the American population does not know the earth goes around the sun (recent study by reputable polling, I couldn't make that up) So we might have a problem ...
Nonetheless there is resistance here, it is quite large. It grows very month, you will see more of it I'm sure.
I am attempting to have the poem published in political journals as well. Thanks for your appreciation of it. I wrote it with a combination of blood and tears from my eyes.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

author comment

of political comment and Biblical references does very well here. Yes, the poetical world should do more speaking out, but I fear that they are subdued by the political-correctness syndrome. Well done sir. ~ Geezer.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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