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Sempre Fidel:

Man of sedition
Father of revolution
Lasting conviction

Last few words: 
Fidel Castro dies at age 90. Leader of Cuba for fifty years who left his fiery mark on his nation, the South American region and on the world stage. A man who lived by his convictions, regardless of aversion or adulation. Paraphrasing Frank Sinatra's signature song, "Fidel did it his way". Buenas noches y dulces sueños, Camarada.Castro!
Editing stage: 


certainly a mark on the world stage! Too bad that it was a blemish instead of the paradise that he promised! ~ Gee.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

You may be right but there were many persons in Cuba who benefited by having access to cheap and effective health care, Literacy rates in Cuba are among the highest in the developing world and education including medical college is free for low income students. Number of patients per doctor is the lowest in the world and the doctors are skilled and have practiced medicine in many countries around the world. There is true equality among the races. The Pope and the Catholic Church were welcomed back after the dismemberment of the Soviet Union. The US has lifted the embargo and many US companies will benefit from expanded trade. Castro was an icon and inspiration for many around the world and he did survive many assassination attempts.

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