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lips kiss in shadows

without any sensations
Oh man
what would be that kiss,
two shadows like ghosts will meet
and you say twill be a kiss
doesn't match my lips,

let me tell you
I love to kiss....
any miss
any sis
any mom,
and my kiss perhaps some day
you may want too...

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


What would a kiss be without passion! A mere touching of lips has no taste let alone sensation.

My mind's writing cheques my body can't cash.

decades ago
now my passion lies
in what you say to me
lovely sailor
my passions went down the cliffs
some day
another sail
another heaven way
far from today
in the skies beyond eternity
we may sail together
once again
alas now
tis in vain


author comment

Good description of a Vulcan's kiss lol......................stan

your silence was annoying
people our age ought to know
just a brush of lips
is worth it


author comment

The brush of lips
is only worth it
if the paint is fluid
and leaves
a perfect picture


Hmmmm that fleeting kiss the touch without taste
but as Joe said what is a kiss without passion ?

I never want to know lol ;)

love JC x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

at times the passion is felt more
within than without
the physical passion you talk of
no doubt is momemtary
but a passion of remembrance
is long term memory
we all love both
you as well as me
but what of a passion we speak
is simple on Neopoet poetry

a passion indeed
with all our love
for this breed


author comment

It is so easy to hold a hand or touch the lips with yours, yet how often does the Soul join in where it sends out that message that only touching Souls can give, no matter who is who,
Yours Ian.T
PS:- your first part was OK then you told us of things without feeling, then that became as nothing...

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I miss you Ian

you alone were so friendly

tis been since ages

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