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Is this life all there is?

Yesterday, it was work, eat, drink, and be merry
Buy that, buy those-- and then sleep

Today, it’s more work, more eat, more drink, and be merrier
Buy more of that, buy more of those—then sleep again

Tomorrow, it’ll be much more work, eat, drink and be the merriest
Buy all of that; buy all of those— then have more sleep

Is all this life has to offer to us?
Is this why we are here on this world,
To satisfy our insatiable selves?

If this is the only thing, we have
In life—then something is very
Wrong in our own existence.

Is this not all emptiness
As if everything hangs in the air
And striving after the wind.

Then, let’s all wake up my dear friends
And look around—reflect and meditate,
Life’s nothing sans the Almighty God in our lives.

Editing stage: 


is the famous song : "Is that all there is" I like the Peggy Lee version
Same question, quite a different answer.

I believe your poem to be honest. In today's world, you will either be preaching to the choir or preaching to an empty room. This poem will be understood in the gut by those that have faith, but will not convert the unfaithful.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

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