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Imagine you are God title modi

just imagine you're God
but no PA, no staff, no one
just wonder
that you are alone
the world calls you …

and you have no PA no staff
no one to see how you fart,
no one to give a helping hand and tell you,
you are unstable
when your off to land
and then shake your hand
and say here I am God
come bow to me,
I have made a work of creativity
you may call out to me
and the world that I have carved,
from nowhere,
is the magician’s flair..

You are then God,
still alone ,
none to clap and say well done
then would you not sulk as anyone
and say God what shit
who am I?

any way let’s make a world combined.
add water, earth and sunshine,
then the air will dry
and what will be born
is the first fungus
then go and see alongside any river
wet and since dry stream
Neopoets will now,
at me scream
when I will reiterate
that its Time God
and man alone didn't rhyme
but the creatures,
tadpoles are born in slime…
go watch it for yourself,
how bacteria are born
and over ages a big human bacteria
with life’s limitations…
you call it Soul
but I call it the Times manifested whole,
integration of DNA,
is no question one may ask
beware don’t still wear a false mask
God is you,
are you not
may I now ask?

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


GOD here,
Listen up dude, I made man in my image, damn it I forgot to put a reality thing in there, to help him/her realise what the image was.
I am a Spirit of such purity that even light tries to bend away from me yet I am light itself.
I exist in everything for ever, there is no time, dimensions, or anything that you would understand if I were to tell you, I/We (As there is more than one pure Spirit) reside in everything at all times, a force that can be used.
(We hope for Good)
Your main task is to reach for that perfection, and stop whining on about crawling around in slime, and how lucky you are to have evolved into this present state.
We are not pleased with the present state but as we left you in control it matters not what you do with it, even if you destroy it.
Well not destroy as we will gather the energy and let it form again, into a like place as you have now, so that our Spirit souls can live in a physical world to learn of all things like the seven virtues and lots of things we gave you to play with.
We gave you a thinking mind so that you could work out how to become closer to us in many ways.
One day we may have to send another beautiful Spirit to you just to light the way again.
So Dude, just hold that love you have in your ways, and teach others by example, about unconditional love and all things that will enhance your Spirit to bring it to a higher level.
I have everything to watch over so you will excuse me for going about my tasks,
Yours with eternal Love God

Ian.T and Yenti, stayed in the dark room for quite a while I wonder what is in there, Yours Sparrow

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

O my God you do exist..
you do exist ...wowow..
now I shall live within your spirit
hope you will help ,
even though its not my wont ,
not to whine
i shall live within
with the spirit of thine..


author comment

Bless you my child, as a child I shall walk with you again one day...........

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

and God is the only
Father of mankind
and the farthest
we all are in perpetual search

O my God you do exist..
you do exist ...wowow..
now I shall live within your spirit
hope you will help ,
even though its not my wont ,
not to whine
i shall live within
with the spirit of thine..

When the storm does arrive
comfort me Lord
like a coward hide
in thy folds

CHILD IS THE father of Man

I beseech you Ian
you are the ONLY God
on earth or heaven...
at least nearest the heaven
Child ,this is the
called the one and only loved..


author comment

That you seek these eternal beings is not needed, they know you and of you
I am as you, a crawly thing that lives on a beautiful Planet, one day or whenever we will be part of the things we think of.
I just write, it's like Auto writing where I just sit and let the key's sing.
Should something say words you need to read then that is good.
Just live to your best and keep writing here, as your writing and talking to most poets is needed, Your God is there some place, Yours Ian.T

PS:- I think you should modify your reply I don't want to be Smote for impersonating an entity....Yours Ian.T (Humon of Planet Earth)

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Just live to your best and keep writing here,

as your writing and talking

to most poets is needed,

Your God is there some place, ...


author comment

A write of the auto one:-

I walk with the quiet though there is much noise
I talk of the quiet when there is no noise
I have the quiet dwelling within me for always
I am at peace with all things in this quiet....

Ian.T tapped the keys....

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

you are quietly resolute
in the quiet of an eerie night,
let quietness itself take flight
then all '''quiety''' will be outright,
simply quietly out of sight


author comment

you are quietly resolute
in the quiet of an eerie night,
let quietness itself take flight
then all '''quiety''' will be outright,
simply quietly out of sight


author comment

you are quietly resolute
in the quiet of an eerie night,
let quietness itself take flight
then all '''quiety''' will be outright,
simply quietly out of sight


author comment

to read me instantly
then all others fly past
the flag mast
with heads bowed
you know
none do scan
like a one in a hospy oh fan
they all think
he is now a dead man


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