Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


I write to release
Yet when it's read you retreat
To what your own definition
Of what poetry should be pissing
On every emotion I choose to show
Disregarding that I'm fighting to grow
Instead of hiding my lows
Allowing pain to fester and blow
On whomever
It's sad you assume lesser
Of me, one of very few
Who won't bury the truth
Or better yet, coat it with sugar
Then boast to on-lookers
On how exquisitely I riddle
You with imagery that tickles
Your soul
What I write is art too folks
Just not hidden and often unforgiven
Take me as I am, dark, a new
Poet by my definition

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 


I like blowing my own horn too...I just don't
kinda rude, maybe obnoxious... but I like the way you do it, so keep playing whatever tune you want. Truth is cool, and it don't hurt me none, I like the blues

wail that horn till you can't no more!


I really thank you for taking the time out to read my poem and I especially appreciate your comment. I just wanted to write this to show that I'm willing to stand as I am as a poet even if I come about it rude. You gave me wanted I would like to hear which is 'I like the way you do it, so keep playing whatever tune you want. truth is cool, and it don't hurt me none, I like the blues. Thank you so much.

author comment

A good write but there are things we could point out that if you and many others gave out more comments and took part in more workshops, then this site would honour you for the things you have found.
Yours Ian.T
Spread the word to all you know that Neopoet is here to teach and learn from, we have many members that are not happy with their own acknowledgement, so lets change this and become the best poetic group there is.
It is up to you the poet..
Jzarmel you have been a member for 5 years plus, as I have, and only a few visits this year and over the past few years, please can we see much more of you in comments and submissions..Thank you!

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

I would first like to say that i notice your consistency as to your efforts to keep me motivated in your own way. I would like to thank you for that. When I find the time, I may take your advice because, after all, I would like to continue to mature, not only in life, but in poetry as well.

Maturity is growth
The willingness to be open-minded
Finding the true meaning of hope
But only on your timing

author comment

put our own spin on whatever we read. No one knows exactly what is going on with you when you write whatever you write. [Generally speaking that is]. However you made it abundantly clear that it is for your own pleasure. If we as an audience, get something from it too, that pleases you? #%@&
I thought that was the reason for any and all of us writing! Boy! What a dope I am!
~ Geezer

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

it you got to read it, did it not? i boldly displayed the fact that I'm proud to be an artist, by my definition, as well as showing my flaw, which is being fragile at times when I feel I need more than to just release, but to be appreciated as well. What a dope I am!

author comment

to read it. I guess that it just pissed me that you seemed to belittle the responses that you get as being not really worthy of your efforts. Forgive me if I was wrong. ~ Geezer

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

as you said, no one knows exactly what's going on with me. no need to apologize. you wrote how you felt, which, is in likeness to my poetry. i really appreciated your time and comment. it helped me understand and be more open with not only myself as a poet, but as a person.

author comment

I like that your poem craft is clever
the diplomatic words
which is an oration based storytelling
directing teaching
for a more reaching audience

shakespeare wrote simple works
but he was not above using
a push of dramatic words
that even the audience could
understand from the royal court
to the open mosh pit

I remember when I started to
write.....I was always thinking
outside the box and all through
life put in the box....
its human to try to contain
that which is not understood
and I knew that I was correct
in how I viewed things
for a time I thought I was mad
which I partly am

took years to find a voice
a maturity and final release
of emotional shackles to
stand up....feel the self
esteem and security
that I lacked for years

I had many personas
but not that direct
central core
when I spoke people
and I took time too listen
when I shut down
debating my meaning
then the others were
able to come forth
and share more
and quietly I began
to speak through my
own riddles

but once having achieved
having a voice!
what then?

the crowd will pick on U
but inside I fought that too
i was politically correct
for years...a poster boy
but then
the struggle internal
and the frustrations
of not being appreciated
rose up
that was my voice
wanting to let run
and the internal struggle
for control was holding
myself back
once I started to become
more risk taking outside
my comfort zone and
just roll with things..
accept more things
it became easier
using my voice
and letting go of
the growling that I did
much of...sparks and
hisses I called it
if I was out in public
sensitive yes..I felt
a lot of things..
I could not shut that
out....I read it all
still do
but today I can
stand in a moderately
busy crowd and be
enough..still smile
though I carry that
snarl too
in todays world we
have an ego for
a reason

I like your poem about
contemplating shooting
your foot
a good metaphor
for the crippling
of freedom
that fights within

I was working for my
girls..our team here
and broke my clavicle
which never healed
..then I broke a bone
in my foot...and both
times I had to continue
to push
they are both aching
today....metaphor as
fact...what we give

but the whole experience
made me appreciate
the time it took for me
to find a voice

Im still hung up on the
notion of speaking direct
as some...but its in me
very much ...maybe I
fear it...

anyway...I like your
writing.....its like
or simmering

thank U!

Just who is or are the "you" you refer to in this? In the sense that it makes some assumptions that your reader is judging or not appreciating you, and some assumptions about your readers own agenda, it does tend to feel a bit defensive, even victimised.

Ian makes a good point. This is a free interactive site, no-one gets paid to read let alone spend time giving you feedback, yet in the whole time you've been a member you have responded to only three of other peoples poems.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.