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Global Ideal

Shift of paradigm
With new superpower prime
End of conflict time

Editing stage: 


A.. A removed

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I think you are telling me that this is old coke in a new can. However, if only that idea could be bottled and distributed till the last drop, it would literally be the new real thing.

You need to review George Carlin on Youtube for his insightful take on what is wrong with the status quo.

Many petty political persons and the gullible among the electorate around the world try to attribute all the problems affecting their states either to one seminal event or due to one particular race or group. This insults the intelligence of the thinking public since History did not start from a particular seminal event or due to one race or group.  The root causes of conflict need to be fairly and freely examined for a true solution.

Lincoln’s Lesson:

Can Fool Some All Time

Can Fool All Some of the Time

Not Fool All All Time





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I may or may not be boring depending on the reviewer but your reviews are always insightful, informative and interesting.

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Maybe there are a few things you shouldn't learn from your dad.

Consider this- cynicism about the corruption of human nature is a direct by product of Christian teachings about original sin.

I'll argue this with you any time any place.
If we can't evolve socially we are doomed, and I think we can.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I'm not saying we have learned from our mistakes, I'm saying we can learn from history and our mistakes if we don't cripple our thinking with goat-herder, bronze-age theologies that say we are fucked from birth.

There has been peace at times in places, we could learn from that if we didn't despise all the 'buk larning stuf'.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

answer sensibly with an argument, not just insults.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I considered your suggestion Sir....
less IS more
using poetry as a positive
message is very clear
and eloquently worded

Thank U!

Concise, considerate and creative

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Gemma, as Neopoet is a forum for learning, I would like to add some details regarding an idiom referenced in your review: Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, née Hamilton, (27 April 1855 – 24 January 1897), was an Irish novelist whose most well-known novel written in 1878 entitled Molly Bawn contains the famous idiom "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Spike Milligan the British comedian was born in 1918 and died in 2002.

Human nature: we are the only species most aware of the difference between right and wrong and have the ability to dream, to think, to transcend our physical limitations with our mental prowess.  We are the only species that can ensure that we ascend to a higher intellectual plane by not repeating the mistakes of history.  

What is currently happening in Iraq, Syria, LIbya, Somalia, Yemen, Palestine, Congo, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and many other conflicts around the world is that the persons with the least morality, most brutality, least compassion, most aggression from both sides of the conflicts are engaged in a mortal battle to win at any cost and by any means.  

There is the need for the budding superpower to use its leadership role to stop the madness at the point of origin itself and this will also ensure another wave of refugees does not wash ashore in Europe and other nations of the Western hemisphere.   The budding superpower will be able to end the conflicts since it won't be beholden to lobbies and special interests  

As poets, we can endeavour to create poems that are not graphic but verses of beauty since "a thing of beauty is a joy forever" (John Keats)

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oh, come now. Why do you think intellectuals are the first targets of totalitarians, left or right wing?
We can learn from history, from our mistakes, if we are not dumbed down by fascists, Trumpkins, Thatcherites and their ilk.

Honestly, I expected better thinking, no, real thinking, from you, Gemma, not knee-jerk conservatism.

That is what you are expressing- knee-jerk conservatism. Do you even realise that?

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

"Fred Broom the roadsweep? Sid Mopp the toilet attendant? Or The Minister for War?"
Really, let's try a blog or something.
You know you won't get away with insults and catch-cries, even if the Americans are doing it.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

I mostly work in haiku, senryū and limerick myself. Though have been blocked for a while.
I love that your works provoke so much discussion.
This is good stuff.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

[covers his eyes and weeps, peeking out to see who notices his pain]
[no-one does]
oh well
love you too.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

a war is far less significant to the question why someone thought war was there best option. Many wars start with a preemptive strike that someone feels forced into making.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

War is never the best option and a preemptive strike without any concern for the consequences or huge number of lives lost is the reason why there are so many tragedies unfolding today. I come from a nation that can boast of having a leader that used the revolutionary idea of peaceful resistance and non-violent protest successfully to lead the nation to independence in a region where there were and are hundreds of millions of persons practicing different religions with numerous cultures, languages and creeds. It requires leaders possessing bold vision, courage and strong morality. Unfortunately, in the conflict prone regions, the peaceful vision,and moral leadership is lacking.

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Appreciate your lively to and fro banter. Weird Elf, a suggestion I have is to create a separate stream for extended discussions on a tangential frame so that the only comments following a poem are reviews of the poems.

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I did suggest that to Gemma.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

gemma...excellent use of poetry for this forum exchange! You have one member
on here who actually was banned!!! and I brought him or what!!

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