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El Regreso a La Alabanza

Sé que estaba tarde, pero más vale tarde que nunca,
Volví al Santuario y aún extrañaba la parte más profunda,
Acabé de tomar un asiento en el Banco trasero
Con el mismo viejo entendimiento que fue tan somero.

Sin embargo todo cambió el momento en que cantó coro,
Una sensación de gracia que deslumbraba como el oro,
En corto tiempo había consumido y conquistado mi alma,
Mi cuerpo empezó a seguir el ritmo del coro con las palmas..

El Espíritu Santo no me dejaba sentarme,
Y me repitió esto...
Bienvenido del Regreso a La Alabanza,
Bienvenido del Regreso a La Alabanza.

El Espíritu Santo me movió al púlpito,
Y me susurró esto...
Bienvenido del Regreso a La Alabanza,
Bienvenido del Regreso a La Alabanza.

Prepárate para la adoración.

Ahora, ¿qué fuí lo que merezco ese sentimiento?
Sé que he sido un pecador desde el nacimiento.
Uno que siguió los caminos de todos los demás,
Pero hay una razón por la que superé los problemas.

Cuando considero mi vida, siento los lágrima y miedo,
Porque la misericordia me ha librado del infierno,
Y la fe me introdujo en esta iglesia con mucho iconos,
Así que sí soy una nueva criatura antes de El Trono.

El Espíritu Santo no me dejaba sentarme,
Y me repitió esto...
Bienvenido del Regreso a La Alabanza,
Bienvenido del Regreso a La Alabanza.

El Espíritu Santo me movió al púlpito,
Y me susurró esto...
Bienvenido del Regreso a La Alabanza,
Bienvenido del Regreso a La Alabanza.

Prepárate para la adoración.

Editing stage: 


This is a site in English. I read a little Spanish and your poem sounds great..despite the limitations of translation, could you offer in English so we can enjoy? Even in a bilingual presentation, as is the most popular way Spanish poems are seen in the USA .

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

I know I was late, but better late than never,
I returned to the Sanctuary and still missed the deepest part,
I just took a seat on the rear pew,
With the same old understanding that was so shallow.

However everything changed the moment that choir sang,
A sense of grace that dazzled like gold,
In a short time it had consumed and conquered my soul,
My body began to follow the rhythm of the choir with the clapping hands..

The Holy Spirit would not let me sit down,
And he repeated this ...
Welcome Back to Praise,
Welcome Back to Praise.

The Holy Spirit moved me to the pulpit,
And he whispered this to me ...
Welcome Back to Praise,
Welcome Back to Praise.

Get ready to worship.

Now, what did I do to deserve such a feeling?
I know that I have been a sinner since birth;
One who followed the paths of everyone else,
But there is a reason why I overcame the problems.

When I consider my life, I feel the tears and fear,
Because mercy has delivered me from hell,
And faith introduced me to this church with many iconic portraits,
So yes I am a new creature before The Throne.

The Holy Spirit would not let me sit down,
And he repeated this ...
Welcome Back to Praise,
Welcome Back to Praise.

The Holy Spirit moved me to the pulpit,
And he whispered this to me ...
Welcome Back to Praise,
Welcome Back to Praise.

Get ready to worship.

Official 1SP

author comment

I appreciate the high craft of the poem, in the way you repeat verses. I appreciate the honesty and integrity of the content.
I for one praise the imagination of mankind (like Blake) and do not believe in heaven or hell, whether it is up or down, which of course do not exist in the universe, only in our minds. I do not believe in Mr or Mrs God.
But this is a poetry site. "Let there be commerce between us"

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

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