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the cool tablet square
of grey skies
the red ferocity
spaced in its heirarchy
a mower drones lost
beneath the shade of summers
shadow underline
black crows shiny
as a fragment of nite
sit silent
an illusion of shape
on limbs empty
nights flare distilled
through the entropy
like roman numeral
on book spines
bleached sheets
and well spring
while a moon hunts
for the companion
of planetary host
Editing stage:
(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.
Fri, 2013-07-12 08:38
A hot summer night
Red sun going down, darkness creeping in, the sound of a lawnmower going: someone trying to get done at the last second, the outlines of leafless trees, crows perched for the night...the moon looking to revolve around the planet while it lights up the night amazing visual...again just my interpretation of your writing...I could be wrong...
Keep Writing,
"Quoth said the Raven, NEVERMORE"
Fri, 2013-07-12 15:26
hallowed glimpes
voyeur unspent
breath hot against
the dusk
cigarettes mound with
white carcasses that
litter the manicured grass
tenderly fertilized
marking time exalting the fusion
hitchhiking with natures essence
espies need