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Cain and Abel

Dying Abel Bled
Now There Was No Need To Dread
But Cain's Soul Was Dead

Editing stage: 


I do not know what to say about this piece of writing. A piece of the picture from the Scriptures. That much I understand. Sin versus repentance? I am sorry for my lack of proper knowledge to understand this. I browsed the internet and came to see that this format is a Japanese Haiku. I learned something new.


Thanks Vivovon. This Rhyku is a reference to the Biblical siblings who were brothers but embroiled in a conflict where one kills the other and thinks that is the end of the conflict but the conflicted soul and afflicted conscience live on. Expressing the view that killing never resolves anything and the killer ends up killing a part of the killer.

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For the cadence - to place the stress on each word when reciting the Rhyku. Mark, from your signature saying, I am guessing you are a marathoner. I appreciate your input.

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