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A Blind Eye

Just as there's sour in a lemon
and, that lemon makes a tart,

that is, after it's been baked,
but, before the "bite" does start;

just like milk comes in a bottle
and butter, in small cubes

you can turn a blind eye
but, we're going down the tubes.

Like the wind in fall, or autumn
embarrasses the tees,

by making all their "clothes" fall off
and, land around their knees;

I've seen good folks throw good money
after distinct, political "boobs";

you can throw a blind eye
but, we're going down the tubes.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


a piece called 'blind eye' in the undiscovered section for almost a year? sorry, had to say it.
i really like the tempo on this one and i'm surprised it's gone unnoticed. it seemed like a very light build up to the last twos S's. the quotations on clothes could be removed, too.
a little polishing, but a keeper for sure.

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