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Editing - rough draft

Going Home By Ferry

At the stern of the speeding ship
I met her where the railings swept
around the curve of rain-slick deck;
our arms slipped about each other,
and together, in growing warmth,
we fed the soaring gulls.

Haiku trio (Autumn)

Hush! It is evening
Nature paints her landscapes
Colors goldenrod

Autumnal changes
Ecliptic intersections
Bringing natures' dance

The autumnal feast
From the horn of plenitude
Serves celebration


Prevaricate -
that’s what he called it,
but his mouth choked
on the dust
of so many lies;
not a sod of compassion
to hold a smile in place,
nor a flicker of remorse,
across that handsome face

Menacing clouds of distrust
boiled up in the sky
and rolled like moving mountains,
powerfully, swiftly into the storm’s eye.
When the fine layer of truth fell
it covered everything
like a thin veneer -
draped over a densely woven mat
of deceit and lies.


Crude, rude and outspoken.
You could say she's a ball breaker.
She takes no prisoners
Repelling all with arrogance and bluff.

Inside turmoil and anxiety
Swinging between certainty ,
And uncertainty.
Raging against society.

Classic means of defence,
is to be on the offensive .
Repelling all with arrogance and bluff.

Vulnerable, frightened creature,
Inside a hard shell..
Raging against society


Here's another oldie I dusted off.........

I'm sitting here beneath a tree
that must be thrice as old as me
and as I sit I think about
how this huge tree was once a sprout.

Through all the years that it has grown
how many fields have farmers sown ?
and since it was a mere acorn
how many generations born ?

Beneath its spreading summer shade
what lovers' promises were made
while out upon an evening's lark
and carving names in smooth beech bark?

Don't give me that bullcrap about trying

So, you say you tried.
Don't give me that bullshit
It didn't require
someone who'd try
and you shouldn't get in the habit
of trying anyway
just get it accomplished
display some damned
and some gumption
make it happen
The outcome should be determined
before you even start
and then your effort
produces a finality
and a completion
The result doesn't have to be perfect
or even pretty
what matters is that you
see it through, to

The Journey of Your Song

It's a lonely, truthful journey
finding your voice, with which to sing,
even worse, then there's the journey for your song;

but, we all sing from our essence
to share the truths each heart may bring,
so sing out loud, sing out clear, and sing out strong.

After a while, you may meet someone
who may fancy the same "life tune",
but, their performance of the song does not ring, true:

green eyes! still unseen......

what fool must he be
to ignore lovely eyes
as yours

you have four boys
a girl
keep your family intact
each one is a pearl
including him
for whom your poem
now you unfurl

hope he does awake
from the slumber
in which he basks
its high time that
now he unmasks

Night Owls

Pale eyes peer down
from leafless oak
beneath the watchful gleam
of ice-chip stars
on moonless nights,
when they dance
their whispered death
on silent wings of hunger.

No quiet hints
of tiny feet
escape attention,
no faintest rustle
dim in darkness
evades anticipation,
no silence paused
on edge of fear
will lose the focus
of sharp ear
when they listen
for patterings of prey.

Too Dumb For A Title

chatterbox jiber jabber yak attack clackin' clatter

this can happen on paper too
it does all the time
I know
I do

as the verbal vandal, striking again,
I ramble and amble to
no logical end

practice and practice
that's what they say
and I could be named
..."Motor Mouth of the Page"


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