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Editing - polished draft

The Darkest Winter

The darkest winter, ever
never felt so damned alone,
these growing pains are crippling
hope it's worth it when I'm grown;

this winter brought more gravity
at least, that's how I feel,
this burden of first-hand knowledge
leaves an icy chill, that's real!

Folks say that they understand
it's a lesson we must all learn,
fate merely granted ambiance
when it finally was my turn.


I went on a journey
I went on a journey
I sought mana of feeling
empowerment for those
who would share my journey
I prayed for mana of feeling,
empowerment of feeling,
for those who would share my journey
I prayed to the spirits of the lowerworld
for empowerment
with love for you
who share my journey



Maliciousness falls in a toxic seasoning
upon fragile head of little poppet whose
untainted effigy freshly picked simmers
in a stew of negligence.

Violence delivered upon her pallid flesh
harshly decreed by the loathsome giants,
whose barbaric stride crush her body
beneath putrid ocher feet.

The reek of long festering decay drops ominously
 from these ogres' damaged brains. Eyes blank,
jaws clenching teeth, and fists balled in unwelcome
approach, the nightmarish realities lurch forward ...

The Wounds Of A Friend

She was as effervescently complicated
As a bottle of cheap, pink, sparkling wine.
But, if eyes are windows of the soul,
Her vacant orbs told a tragic story.

I was often vaporized in her endless agendas,
Left behind in her angry, dust storms,
Spun furiously in her lethal tornadoes,
And burned completely, by her acid rains.

No one was exempt
From her pious arrogance
That had bought a home
Behind her cold eyes.

Golden Locks

 Inspired by the Norse Myth: Sif's Golden Hair: How Loki Wrought mischief in Asgard. (compilation: The children of Odin Padraic Colum 1920) Source: Sacred Texts Archives @  Many different compilations to choose from, great resource for inspiration. Kat                            



I didn’t want to hurt you
I never meant for you to grieve
I'm sorry that I made you cry
It wasn’t you I had to leave

I had no time to say good bye
My pain severe and so, so real
I simply didn’t have a choice
So this end, I had to steal

I had to stop bloodcurdling screams
Haunting me each day and night
Tormenting me through all my dreams
Poisoning my strength to fight

Just remember that I love you
And forever I will be
Standing right beside you
Forgive me, my destiny

A Boy with a Hissing Heart

Stair-step stacks
of hardbacks, paperbacks
and journals silhouette
against cloudy gray light
seeping from outside.

Numerous mentors
say read poems,
journals, and novels
learn to form beautiful poetry.

He labors through
anthologies of sonnets,
sestinas and free verse.

Collins, Levine, Kooser,
Nash and Oliver call him to lessons.
He is not a schoolboy.
He has a hissing heart,
writing is entrancing,
pulling forth a storehouse
of secreted pains, passions, and fears.

Ghoul (eddy styx)


A grey grimace stole across his ashen lips
as the hour struck twelve and the stalker awakened.
The desires of those who hunt him await the discovery
of yet another victim, to set them on the trail afresh.
In their secret hearts, he was the continuous pulsation
of life's blood, causing them to quicken and keeping them
sustained with the demanding lusts of his soul.

Valentine's Day Sonnet


My love for her is like a cloak
Hung round her shoulders, keeps her warm
And oft like priceless Persian rug
Beneath her feet, she's safe from harm.

For her, my Love's a Summer Isle.
So blue skies every day she'd see.
My Love is hers', at her command,
For loving her is all to me.

Her Love is quiet and sincere,
I need no fireworks,for I know.
That where she bides is where I'll be
There is no other place I'd go

Mamas' Promise

Mama wants to hold you
and rock you off to sleep,
because, you're all my babies
and my love for you runs, deep.

I've done all that I've been asked to do
I've even jumped trough an extra "hoop";
but, that matters not, to some involved,
they think I'm the REAL Betty Boop!

You must believe me when I tell you
that you're loved with my whole heart,
what I worry about, is what's been said
to prevent our re-union to finally start.


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