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Editing - polished draft

Magic of Makhaela

Some people have the wherewithall to become a good student
while others, are more inclined to excel as an instructor
but, I know someone who's of the mention for both!

The only disclaimer is that, from any given moment
she can "flip" on you.....with the stealth of a circus acrobat!

That does happen to be a part of her "magic", as it were;
for even she can't say whether, or not she's teaching, or learning;
so we never noticed, that she coerced us all into playing the remaining roles.

I Miss It

I sit in the sun
The warm loving sun
And yet curse its radiant rays
I hear the quiet chatter of the birds
But cover my ears in dismay
The palm fronds sway in the breeze
Brushing the painted sky
Yet i would quickly trade it all
To sate a longing sigh

I miss the green, the gray the blue
The mist that covered the ground
The rain, the blessed pouring rain
That made such a calming sound
The mountains that climbed into the sky
On my every side surround

Deep Ression

A hunter for emotions.
She searches with such fervor.
Deep Ression snakes around
enveloping all those not cloaked.
Her fangs greets many with acid
of sorrows.

She terrors the Grim Reaper from
whence he came.

Sweeping people after people
into the mighty slaying talons.
She is marbledhearted, leaving
not one apathetic Releasing is
not nigh.

I am no more or no less

I am no more or no less

I am no more or no less
Than the laughter made from a smile between friends
I am no more or no less
Than my history, if my memories will not let me forget

As I become more I hope, I can become less subtracting form the memories of regret
I remember that each smile had no purpose beyond the purity of a friend ship
In this purity, I find the reminiscence that I am more than memories in any heart regrets

Mind Meld...

The loss of control, between body and mind
The connections are gone, been left behind
I try to mate them, meld them, inspire
But they won't match up, meet in the fire

Broken pieces won't heal, the glue doesn't stick
I'm missing the mortar, there are unattached bricks
A low moan emerges, then a much higher note
Screams erupt, from deep in my throat

Haikookas (for Japanese Poetry workshop)

lone kookaburra
laughs without hesitation
his own audience


tears streaming cheekwards
don't signify winters loss
just wind and pollen


sticky sleepless nights
rise to blearily embrace
stark overhead sun

mosquito frantic
squealing when caught in my beard
I slap my face hard

autumnal cherries

sweet juices spurt sourly
down my throat welcomingly
seeds spat gratefully

vee stem and two pips
on rumpled sheet abandoned
the feeling lingers



We hide in the shroud of the iridescent sun
That shields the entrance to our hidden cave
The place of our
Secret conclave

We hide in the cloud of the opalescent moon
That protects the portal of our concealed retreat
The site of our
Private meet

For security, we constructed the wall
Unbreakable, impenetrable
Built with strength so it will never fall

For protection, we erected the wall
Impassable, unconquerable
Built with strength so it will never fall

That Crazy, Old Doctor

There've been times in my life
where I've just had to say,
"I must, give it all up,
for, it's that kind of day"!

I must, really say this
I really, just must;
if I didn't say it,
then, it wouldn't be, "just".

There's this crazy, old man
we'll just call him, "Doc";
who fills up blank pages
with, "poetical talk".

Forgiving Eve

I was told
She ballsed it up
for the rest of us,
led Adam astray,
messed up
God's glorious

Can you hear God,

He loves her
best of all
for making
the first Choice,
for birthing
'The Fall'
her free will,
paving the way
for us all to



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