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In Another Life

I think in another life we would’ve been married,
I would’ve been your wife.
I would stay home
Not because you thought I should
But because I didn’t want to work.

I would wake up with you at dawn
Before the night shift was over
While the sun was still slumbering
And I would make you breakfast.
You’d come in the kitchen while I was cooking
Wrap your arms around my waist
And whisper that you loved me.
It would make my heart melt
And my stomach flip
As if it wasn’t a part of our daily routine since we had met.

You would eat your breakfast
Teasing me for the eggs being a bit runny,
A problem I had never been able to solve.

I would pack your lunchbox like you were my kid
Because I would do anything to help you out.
You would grab it
Grab me
Kiss me
And leave
But not before telling me you love me.
I would tell you to have a good day at work
And I would do the dishes
And I would go back to sleep
To wake up with the sun.

I could sit at home and do taxes
Or laundry
Or errands
While you were out at work.
I would walk the dogs
Do some yoga
Write some poetry.

Then you’d get home
And the dogs would run up and jump on you
And you’d push past them for me
Acting as if we were still lovesick teenagers
Instead of husband and wife.

You’d kiss me like the movies
And we’d fall back on the couch
My head on your chest
And we’d talk about our days.

You would make dinner
You say it’s the right thing to do since I was busy all day
And I will let you
And we will pretend I truly was busier than you.

After a glass of red wine
We’ll wash the dishes together
And you’ll run your soapy hands down my arms
Because you know I can’t stand the feeling.
I’ll splash some water in your face
You’ll throw me over your shoulder
And we’ll be laughing
And happy.

You’ll carry me up the stairs
And we’ll get ready for bed side by side.
I’ll read my book in bed
And you’ll ask me to read aloud to you—you never had the attention span to read books yourself.

Your eyes will start getting heavy on my shoulder
And I’ll put the bookmark in
Pretending to be as tired as you.

You’ll wrap your arms around my waist and pull me in
And whisper once again that you love me.
I’ll tell you I love you too
And turn around to kiss you goodnight.

You’ll fall asleep before me
As you always do
Your breath will be hot on my neck
And it will lull me to sleep
As you pull me closer.

And we will wake up the next morning
And I will make you your breakfast
And pack your lunch.

While you’re gone I’ll walk the dogs
And do some yoga
And write more poetry.

And every night
You will come home to me,
Tell me you love me,
And give me a kiss.

In another life,
We’ll fall asleep together every night
And wake up together every morning.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

Upon analyzing the poem, several aspects stand out. The poem's narrative structure is clear and consistent, providing a vivid picture of the imagined life. The repetition of certain activities, such as making breakfast, packing lunch, and expressing love, helps to establish a rhythm and reinforce the sense of routine in the relationship.

However, the poem could benefit from more varied language and imagery. For instance, the line "And I would make you breakfast" is repeated verbatim twice, and similar phrases appear throughout the poem. While repetition can be effective for emphasis, too much can make the poem feel monotonous. Consider using synonyms or rephrasing to add variety and maintain reader interest.

The poem also tends to tell rather than show. For example, the line "And we’d be laughing and happy" directly states the characters' emotions instead of conveying them through description or action. Consider using more figurative language and sensory details to evoke emotions indirectly. This could make the poem more engaging and impactful.

Lastly, the poem could explore deeper themes or conflicts to add complexity. While the depiction of a comfortable, loving relationship is touching, introducing some tension or introspection could make the poem more thought-provoking. For instance, the speaker could reflect on why this ideal life is only possible "in another life," or express mixed feelings about the domestic routine.

Overall, the poem effectively conveys a longing for a different life and a deep affection for the imagined partner. By incorporating more varied language, showing instead of telling, and delving into deeper themes, the poem could become even more engaging and impactful.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

one of those times, when I waver as to what poetry is; what prose is and narrative prose or poetry?
I like all three of the discriptions. Instead, I will attack your dream! Ha! Nooooo, seriously, I thought that this
is one of those times, when the label doesn't matter. You have brought images to my brain with your accurate potrayal
of the dream that we've all been fed. You have to be like this, in order to be happy. Nicely done, ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thank you for your comment! I know my poetry doesn’t typically have the metaphors and images that others use, so I’m glad you enjoyed!!

the moon and the stars made us who we are <3

author comment

Thank you for your comment!!

the moon and the stars made us who we are <3

author comment

this is beautiful and heartbreaking! Wish you the best


Thank you MermaidMaster! I wish you the best as well.

the moon and the stars made us who we are <3

author comment

So...having had much of this in my marriage with my late husband, I can completely understand why you would want these ordinary, yet extraordinary things. I'll disagree with AI regarding the repetition of making breakfast. That is so significant here. For me, this entire poem is significant. I sincerely hope this happens for you - in this life.
Thank you for the beautiful reflections with this!

Thank you so much for your comment! How lucky you must be to have had someone that made the ordinary feel extraordinary. Sending love

the moon and the stars made us who we are <3

author comment

I don't believe I have read anything of yours that I did not enjoy. I love the wistful dreamy quality you bring to your work. I'm not going to make any suggestions about this one which I particularly enjoyed as I'm sure if you read and reread you will see where improvements can be made. Yes I will, sorry, my hobby horse. Punctuation, on longer works is very important, to speed it, slow it, take a pause. emphasise. Read it as though you were on stage with an audience before you, in the palm of your hand,hanging on every word. That's a wonderfully powerful feeling and you deserve, and I think you will, do well. Good luck. Alex

Thank you so much for your kind words, that’s very sweet of you!! I reread it and I definitely can see some places where I can add some punctuation.


the moon and the stars made us who we are <3

author comment
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