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Community News

Congratulations to Shelby Pryor for winning this week’s contest


Something New

Rain rushes from the skies
Mixing with a single tear
The wind cuts through
Like every doubt, every fear

Lightning shatters my peace
Like the pieces of my mind
A distant thunderclap mocks
Of the girl I was and left behind

A tornado rages in my head
Demolishing my peace and joy
I plaster on a smile for you,
But it's just a tactic I employ

The fear paralyzes my heart
Yet I'm so tired of being afraid
It is time to get up and fight
Before my resolve starts to fade

My fingers curl around my sword
I lift it high, I've got my armor on
I bring it down with all my strength
Until the shattered pieces are gone

There is no fixing the girl I was
No use in buying time with glue
The only solution is to shatter her
And forge with fire Something New


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May 2024 Contest Wins!

Congratulations to our May 2024 contest Winners. 


05/24 Romance was won by Hon with the poem Romance

05/24 New Member Contest  was won by EmanuelSfatcu with the poem Shine

05/24 Ode To A Service Hero was won by Mr joghe  with the poem  A Tribute To The Hero

05/24 My First Car was won by Geezer  with the poem '59 Plymouth...

05/24 My Favorite Childhood Toy was won by Alex Tanner with the poem Granny Overthere.

05/24 Locked In Basement was won by RoseBlack  with the poem Locked In A Basement

Mother's Day Image Prompt Contest Winner!

This winning poem of the Mother’s Day image prompt contest is

Mum... You and I by Rula

Let us congratulate Rula on another contest win.

This week the Neopoem is

 Loving You by  hippiemoon

Let us congratulate hippiemoon on another contest win.

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



A slow painful tramp back to my truck
after eight total hours
of being

Old knees and muscles fairly scream
as they creak from too much time

Flashlight shows uneven ground
old stumps, logs, vines and rocks
all anxious to send me home
with another fall
sprained and bruised

Will I never reach my truck?

Didn't see a single deer

But I did see

C U R E *

pure you push the plush persuit
planular perfume perfection

the ovid isolation dream
suspends eclipsed
where two hearts meet

"thats the poison"
you sighed
and I slid beneath the
sleep of windowless skies

kiss us away
this rainstretch morning
with dampness
tinged in murky puddles

circlets of thoughts
falling down

The Spring Tide

waxing and waning
push and pull
daylight is fading
the moon is full
a pinprick of starlight
from behind her eye
starts to glow
as she starts to cry
her tear in the tide
would not make a wave
for if she is nothing
she's nothing to save
go down to your destiny
to the ocean floor
take a deep breath
and sigh no more.

inside the winter light

Sunday morning in the city,
icy pavement, icy street,
bare trees white with winter's white
its silence overwhelms

you wrote a poem about paper and skin,
we play rock, paper, scissors
inside this fairy dust;

in orbs of water,
it is always snowing
it covers and hides us
like bubbles we collide

not long ago,
wild geese
left no impressions, no shadows
for the leopards in the snow,
who are we, always coming and

Different Ways...

In the house of Sir Gee, there is much joy
There are ooo's and ahhhh's and many hugs
Presents unwrapped, by each girl and boy
How did you know? He just grins and shrugs

Killer's house is much the same
'Cept the presents a little more wild
Instead of giving the kids those boring-games
There are knives for each boy-child

The girls will get some presents too
Cooking pots, and new recipes to try
Of course, they'll try them out on you
It might be bad, but you won't die

Pussy cat pussy cat

There’s a cat on our street, she’s incredibly clean
She is long she is black and she’s terribly mean
She roars like a lion and purrs like a kitten
One look at her face and your bound to be smitten
With her bright golden eyes and a coat black as coal
She will lure you in, she will capture your soul
She’s a devil an angel all rolled into one
On the wide open road she is fast she is fun
In the city she knows how to slow down the pace
As she ambles down streets with such style and grace


The color green has become rare
now that leaves have fallen down.
Among the hardwoods cold and bare
all is stark from root to crown.

On this late November day
even the sky has lost its blue
due to clouds heavy and gray
brought last eve when north winds blew.

The once gay colored autumn leaves
now are dunn and at my feet
barely disturbed by frigid breeze.
Land has forgotten summer's heat.

Same old story

Rewritten over and over the same old story,
why does pain always come before glory?
I can't see my heads all cloudy and my mouths all stuffy.

Planning it piece by piece,
breaking down slowly, but im savoring the sweet,
completly misunderstood by all means please,
leave me lonely disease over powering,
problems? probably,
lost in my dreams,
one member standing, they all left the team,
you can pretend to befriend me, but the lies I already see,
so im no longer recommending my bitter words of plea.

Yule tide!

<a href="">A Wreath of Christmas Poems by Albert M. Hayes, James Laughlin, José Erasto</a>



When in dilemma, seek counsel
From your peers, my friend
You hear them say all sorts of things
I will not agree, if I were you
No one tries that with me
Real pepper, is what I will show
In return, you pull down the roof
And drag naked fire to light the sea


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.