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Under the moonlight
shadow dance
you and I embrace
in a delightful stage
Share in the language
of romantic sparkle
with the happiness
filled our heart
celebrating the new
beginning of life
This marks the promise
of commitment
from god's grace gift
display of precious exude
with a sense of gratitude
granted from a wish
relish with a joy of blessing
for a final reunion

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Romance" captures a moment of intimacy and celebration between two individuals. The imagery of shadow dancing under the moonlight creates a sense of romance and connection. The use of language like "romantic sparkle," "happiness," and "gratitude" conveys the emotions and feelings associated with love and commitment. The poem progresses to highlight the promise of commitment and the sense of blessing and joy that comes with it. Overall, the poem effectively conveys a sense of love and celebration.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Well, thank you Big Al, for the positive notes

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