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If Only

TV opens up the world.
Each distant peak sits so,
behind generic signs for gasoline.
Vague promise feeds the heart;
each scene,
each restaurant view.

The elegance of legs crossed
leisurely. Tanned arms on elbows
leaning in
to coffee cups
like clouds held waiting,
like a sign that says
ten miles to go.

How anxious,
how complete the yearning robbery.
The glamour lads who calculate their visit.

Sunglasses hold back tresses spilled
like lemon grass, like grape vines
Self contained,
yet still an absence.
If only there's an answer,
if only eyes would turn.

The call to call again
when afternoon has let
the shadows fall
and pave the way.

Editing stage: 


and well crafted indeed . Nothing to critique

Lovely closing lines

The call to call again
when afternoon has let
the shadows fall
and pave the way for blessing

It sums it up all.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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we meet again, thanks for your comment.

author comment

how we all wish we could emulate
such beauty you so lavishly display
thank the tv
we may


I'm still working on this and have changed a few minor details, so glad you liked it.

author comment

thank you Loved.

author comment

for sharing your poem


Sublime poetry Ross I saved this one before bed

One of the best poems I've read recently

Love the last stanza

Love Jc xxx

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

The modern world has been described in this write starting from the TV and the coffee cups

The modern world has been described in this write starting from the TV and the coffee cups

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